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New Member
Nov 12, 2003
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Seriously, You are all a big bunch of stupid gunlovers rightwing extremist panda ****er, spending their lives on dead forums, talking with virtual friends, about a ****ing dead game with no future. INF is just ugly and outdated just like your miserable existences. It had some good ideas which faded away.
The only thing you have left now is to waste your pathgetic life waiting for Ground branch. You smell! All of you!! You smell like a dead drunk!!


Jan 18, 2005
I've read through what he said a few times and the only thing resembling an insult is the part about a dead drunk.

Yeah Im a gun lover. Hell, I was just playing with mine (gun) not 20 minutes ago. That said, I think people who choose to play first person shooters but hate guns are the stupid ones.

Right wing? Yeah. The left wing wants to take my gun then take all my money and give it to Mexico. I like keeping what Ive earned.

Extremist... Thats true, we have started many jihads on account of Infiltration. Maybe we should do another just for the hell of it.

Panda ****ers? What can I say... They're cute and fuzzy, who wouldn't want some of that action?

Spending their lives on a dead forum talking with virtual friends - Sorry buddy, our friends dont have atomated responces... Well, except for crackwhore. People posting means this forum is not dead... And Ill be damned if keeping in touch with people I played games with 4 years ago is considered bad. Though, if that is the case, why dont you just hop on XBox live and have some good ol' halo fun.

INF is ugly - No, but your PC is. I run INF with a resolution of 1920x1200 with 16x AA. Some of the older maps are not full of eyecandy, but then again, that never was the point of iniltration. I hope Half Life has enough pixes in its crosshair to suit you.

Were outdated? Most of the casual players have left this area leaving mainly smart developers and the likes. Im no developer, but I hold three jobs doing 3D modelling, though I suppose thats nothing compared to your up-to-date adolecense.

Good ideas that faded... Thats interesting because most games incorporate nearly every idea in Infiltration including, but not limited to, customizing weapons/loadouts, no crosshairs, free aiming, and dynamic objective multiplayer gametypes.

Im not waiting for Ground Branch, but I dont blame the people who do. Damn near every other option out there is nothing compared to what Infiltration was. Im sick of people rehashing old ideas in some new engine ultimately making the gameplay so much worse... Both Insurgency and Project Reality fall into that category.

We smell like dead drunks. I dont even know what to say to that except that I took a shower before I went to work today.
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Lethal Dosage

Serial Rapis...uh, Thread Killer
Well what can i say, you came back just to post that? I think your the one who needs a life.

Lets see what i did today. I got up, had a shower, kissed my girlfriend goodbye, went to work, worked, came home from work, did some yard work, ate dinner (meatloaf & mixed vegies), sat down and watched a TV show with a beer, got on the computer and played 2 matches of Company Of Heroes with a second beer, played INF on rather high settings for half an hour, and now i'm about to go curl up on the lounge with my girlfriend and watch some chick flick (i have a feeling she wants to see No Reservations again). Then we'll probably go to bed and i'll bug her for some fun (and probably won't get it), before going to sleep and starting all over again the next day.

What did you do? Go return to the INF forums, realise it appears dead after the Great Forum crash, then go write a apparently inflamatory thread on their main board before settling down to lurk and revel in the hope of many angry posts. Sorry to disappoint but were more mature these days, perhaps you should stop humping that pillow, slap on some pimple cream sneak out of your mothers basement and try and find yourself a girlfriend, perhaps you'll get lucky and find some poor blind or retarded girl who'll like you for 5 mins. Perhaps you might even get lucky and find some poor nerdy girl whose willing to get your grand total of 5 pubes stuck in her braces in an attempt to give you a blowie.

Or perhaps you won't and you'll just go back to World Of Warcraft and and run around in circles in an attempt to raise your level without risking dying to some AI character.


Feb 3, 2001

gunlovers rightwing extremist
US citizen? Life must be easy for you. There is only left and right, good and evil, ... No need to think for yourself when everything is so clear.

panda ****er
Since Pandas are in danger of extinction, this isn't such a bad idea :D

dead forums
They seem be rotting mainly due to BU's incompetent server admins. Most newer, interesting stuff is lost since the last crash.

talking with virtual friends
Not everyone I talk to here is a friend. Some are, others are not. And those who are are quite real, not virtual.

dead game
INF is played online daily. I would not call that dead.

with no future
ugly and outdated
As long as there is no competition to INF, it has a future. And there is no competition at the moment.

It had some good ideas which faded away.
Faded away? They are still there. And new ideas keep coming and are implemented, too.


... or something like that.
Apr 1, 2006
Well, that was just... I don't know. Another frustrated kid with an urge to share his simple yet offensive thoughts. Ehh...
race modifier: +10 that he'll surely piss you off


Irony Is
Aug 10, 2001
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Seriously, You are all a big bunch of stupid gunlovers rightwing extremist panda ****er, spending their lives on dead forums, talking with virtual friends, about a ****ing dead game with no future. INF is just ugly and outdated just like your miserable existences. It had some good ideas which faded away.
The only thing you have left now is to waste your pathgetic life waiting for Ground branch. You smell! All of you!! You smell like a dead drunk!!

You're not very good at trolling people.

Lethal Dosage

Serial Rapis...uh, Thread Killer
Well tankfully in my country necrophelia, ****ing teenagers, drinking at 18 and shooting guns at 11 are all legal, so i'm quite happy in my country, so Ras and which ever wet dream your mom induced... go **** yourself and your imaginary perfect world.


New Member
Nov 12, 2003
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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah i feel sooo much better. I had to say it ya know. I had to..

I love how people try to respond to stupidity and agressivity. ALWAYS by being just as much stupid and agressive. (most of them) look above:

-On my left: We have the stupid ones living in their world of hatred, sucking their guns to recomfort themselves and to replace their mother affection, fat ugly smelly guys who can be right wing or left wing extremist, i dont care... You are just a bunch of suckers who pretend to be what? a video game elite? naaah, you are just elephant sperm...

-On my right: smart people who just doesn't care and dont even feel the need to justify themselves. They just have smelly breath.

You are still all of you the stupidest extreme fans ever and you will die playing Infiltration 99, and that is sad. For you. For me.

P.S: I have to say that there is ONE good point, it seems there is more people on my right side... There is actually only Mercie, Lethal Dosage who seem to be reallyyy stupid. I could be wrong though. One day, i was fourteen, i came on my cat... That was wrong. So i can be wrong sometimes.
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Koohii o nomimasu ka?
LMAO. Wait. I don't want to know, so I'll just forget the last part.

But I really think your name sounds familiar. I am so bad with names, I'm having a hard time figuring it out. Weren't you around when RA286 was popular? With toad and cie?

This community is always a test for my poor memory when someone pops up.
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