devilShadow said:. . .you'd be surprised how much design comes from prototyping. . .
That part should come after you produced the documents, the ground work has to be laid, the plan should be flexible.
I'm a level designer on the Tripwire team (Red Orchestra) and a project leader in my "day" job. With my experience in both areas I have to say I really respect the Apprehension team for acknowledging that they need someone to act as a project leader. Too often I see people dismissing the role since it's not "technical". Let me tell you, after 16 years coding and 4 doing project management work, coding is far easier.
A project manager isn't a dictator. At least, a good one isn't. Instead, I tend to see my role as "amplifier". If I'm doing my job right, I'm able to "amplify" the great talent in the team by clearing away roadblocks, facilitating communications, resolving conflicts, helping to set priorities, and just generally acting as a sounding board to help the team members make their own decisions. I allow people to focus on what they like to do best.
Apprehensions offer sounds like just the type of challenge I'd enjoy. Unfortunately, I'm a little pre-occupied at the moment. My advice to Apprehension is to look for the candidate that understands they are there to support the team, not necessarily to "direct" it.
Good luck.
Some sound advice there, I am also in a job like this only that it doesnt involve the games industry.
Personally I think they need to get someone within the team to lead the project, its best that you get someone who already knows the project and understands that there is no ' I ' in team.