Seeking Project/Team Lead: Apprehension for UT2K7

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New Member
Jul 8, 2005
Seattle, WA
The Apprehension team is currently seeking a motivated and capable team leader/project manager to help realize its potential and elevate it beyond its current form; someone whose experience and personality can guide this mod to its public release.

Apprehension is a multiplayer First Person Shooter mod originally targeted for UT2004, though now being seriously shifted towards UT2007 with the imminent arrival of next-gen technology. The gameplay, while primarily first person, folds many elements and motivations of Real Time Strategy. By promoting teamwork and resources above headshots and killing sprees, Apprehension plans to evolve past the current Shooters mold.

Team Lead Requirements and Duties

Team Lead will be responsible to assist in completing project and and making milestones and shipping deadline. Scheduling of tasks for programmers, artists and designers is desired, as well as tracking of tasks. Helping with design and game play mechanics is a plus, as is maintaining team motivation and enthusiasm. In other words, an enabler of peoples potential. The ability to work with distant developers using IRC and chat is a definite plus, as most development is remote. Press and media contact will likely be necessary to this position. A mature attitude and the ability to multi-task. In addition, the Team Lead/Project Manager will likely be involved in growing the team membership. Interest and enthusiasm for the project is a big plus!

Further Desires:

  • Knowledge of the Unreal Engine and development for it is helpful.
  • Ability to use scheduling software and basic office software.
  • Experience as producer, project manager, or production coordinator on a
    previous mod, game, or in another career.
  • Ability to multi-task, including input into design, scripting or writing.

Our Design Document is available for public viewing online for further information on the game type.

For an Introduction to the team of developers, please visit this page:

This volunteer position is perfect for a previous main or secondary Mod Lead between projects seeking something new to engage in without having to start from scratch. It also is of benefit for people in managerial/leadership positions in different fields, who would like to gain valuable experience in a game development environment.

To apply, please send your interest, experience, and any concerns/questions to:

Attached are a few images and concepts:

Dropship Concept.

(Original concept by Matt "Matt" Waggle)

Character Concept. (STO Team)

(Original concept by Matt "Matt" Waggle)

Scoutbot Droid transformed into beacon mode High Res Model.

(Original concept by Harry "Harragor" Wormald, model and texturing by W. Scott "scotsi " Simons)

Low/Game Version of Heavy Roamer.

(Concept and model by Drew "oXYnary" Robinson)

Screenshot of prototype/testing using Unreal 2004 Engine.


UNF :E Project leader
Nov 13, 2005
You know by asking for a production lead you are asking for someone that litterly has to give up any free time he has, so I dont think your going to get many if any replies ( or serious ones ).


New Member
Jul 8, 2005
Seattle, WA
We have to try. May I ask as being a production/project lead yourself what would you suggest to gain someone like you? (PM if you like).


UNF :E Project leader
Nov 13, 2005
The problem with project leading is that when someone has never done the 'Job' they do not realise what is involved, often enough someone will start a project up and become frustrated with finding DEV's for the team or the pace of departmental developement (it is usually staggered). Time and time again you will see project start up and fail, because it gets to much for the lead, the rest of the team lose morale and then the whole project falls apart.

I took a brief look at your project it seem's interesting.

Here is a list of what you need, and then a list of what you must offer. Its pretty novel for a mod to look for a project lead.

What you need.

1. Someone who is mature

I dont mean to be nasty as I'm sure in the past their has been some great young mod developers, but a project that is as ambitious as your project need's someone who is mature enought to realise that the project doesnt end with exams or nightclubbing.

2. Someone who has previously led a team that has released a mod.

3. Someone who has plenty of time, as any project leader worth his weight will actually wait up to talk to people in their timezone when it comes to dealing with mod material.

4. Someone who know briefly how each department works, doesnt matter if they cant model, map etc. But you're need someone who knows how it works and in what relation to the Engine you are working with.

To be honest from what I have seen you have pretty much proved you are serious, I would suggest that you personally PM mod project leaders for released mods that have become inactive because UT2004 is coming to the end of its shelf life.

Do not settle for second best, as this would cause your mod more damage in the long run.


New Member
Jul 8, 2005
Seattle, WA
Thanks for the advice, it is appreciated. We are in fact emailing to "post" ut2004 leads and the "make something unreal competition" in hopes of gaining some interest.

If you happen to know a fellow lead between projects, please feel free to let them know.

So yes I can tell you in short, the lead people involved with this aren't high schoolers. Some are working industry people. Other like myself have been out of college for a few years.


A Loose Screw
Nov 13, 2005
IMO -- screw project leader.

Get a wiki and let the departments talk to each other; no-one's going to know your visualization better than you guys... let each department have a lead and let the leads all communicate.

Go on teamspeak and just shoot the **** for X hours with all the department leads. Occasionally the best organized teams fall first... you may lose your passion.

Though what you could use is a PR guy...
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Jun 17, 2001
Cape Suzette
Heheh, imo PR guys are just leeches, unless they're actually doing some mapping/whatever for the project. Best to just find someone within the team that's good at PR.

I find it a bit odd that a mod team would be trying to recruit a lead. Who's idea was the mod? Who got everyone organized? That person should be the lead, and keep their original vision for the project.


A Loose Screw
Nov 13, 2005
Angel_Mapper said:
Heheh, imo PR guys are just leeches, unless they're actually doing some mapping/whatever for the project. Best to just find someone within the team that's good at PR.

I find it a bit odd that a mod team would be trying to recruit a lead. Who's idea was the mod? Who got everyone organized? That person should be the lead, and keep their original vision for the project.
As you eluded to -- a Project Lead for a project who isn't even his own is quite leachish aswell.

I still say don't get anyone to be a project lead... let the departments run themselves then let the departments collectively run together. It may be slower than have an single decision maker "high up"; but again, at least the decision maker(s) will actually be part of the project.


New Member
Jul 8, 2005
Seattle, WA
We have tried as you suggested. We aren't at a point to have leads for each individual department, mostly because at this time some of the sections are not ready for this need yet.

We need someone to make the schedules and plan the mod in a more professional model than we have attempted. In fact, we have a few members who want to use a outlook type of tracking system. Not a version tracking like SVN which we have installed. Again project management tracking. Something especially the idividual department current leads do not understand, nor the time to implement. The individual leads for each section need someone central to correlate with and can plan between each sections tasks. Someone in short, which what a true project lead understands about their role. That they "enable" the potential of others.

Again, they can be more than a project lead if they wish. If they want to program or other. That is their initiative.

The fact remains we need someone who can communicate across all departments and be the front man. They even can put their names front and center. What matters for us, is actually getting this mod into 5th gear and completed.

And your right, XepptizZ, maturity isnt neccessarily with age. However from previous experience, it does play a role in understanding whats needed.
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New Member
Jul 8, 2005
Seattle, WA
Well, Im the temp lead after the initial director had to step down as once he obtained a job in the game industry. Not only did his time become non existent, his place of employment does not allow non-competes (IE they would see this as a conflict of interest). I don't have the background to be the main lead throughout the project. Nor, do I have the people/communication skills needed to grow the project.

As it is, I truly think I could be much more of use as being a "assistant" by doing all the little things like website updates, or svn changes to allow the project lead to do the task of leading us. Then I can also get back to focusing on the design document and art. :)
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Jan 6, 2006
Rigid schedules might not work well in mod teams, most people don't have enough experience to tell how much time each task may take.


New Member
Jul 8, 2005
Seattle, WA
Well not, "DO IT NOW!" schedules. In fact from what I experienced many volunteers appreciate having the organization. Especially programmers and level designers.

Even more than schedules sometimes what is needed is constant communication as so no one is blind sided when a person gets behind. Which is why having someone who is good at communicating/organization is key to a Mod lead.
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UNF :E Project leader
Nov 13, 2005
neai said:
Rigid schedules might not work well in mod teams, most people don't have enough experience to tell how much time each task may take.

No true but if you have some knowledge and you speak to the people doing each task then you should be able to come to some kind of realistic completion date.

The only problem with mods is that oftern is doesnt happen, but then atleast you have some date in mind and know what your working with.

Its better than saying " we need this weapons made and skin mapped" then waiting for the person to complete the task, rather than saying " We agree that this weapon and skin map should be completed on this date, unless something comes up ".

That is just how it works.


UNF :E Project leader
Nov 13, 2005
oXYnary said:
Well, Im the temp lead after the initial director had to step down as once he obtained a job in the game industry. Not only did his time become non existent, his place of employment does not allow non-competes (IE they would see this as a conflict of interest). I don't have the background to be the main lead throughout the project. Nor, do I have the people/communication skills needed to grow the project.

As it is, I truly think I could be much more of use as being a "assistant" by doing all the little things like website updates, or svn changes to allow the project lead to do the task of leading us. Then I can also get back to focusing on the design document and art. :)

The design documents should have been done before anyone even opened an editor.

You should try to lead the project, if you want any advice then I'm sure one of us here or maybe you could Email an existing lead for advice on something to help you out, were not competitors on the mod scene ( I think ).

If you are already doing the job then you should try and stick it out.


New Member
Apr 13, 2004

I'm a level designer on the Tripwire team (Red Orchestra) and a project leader in my "day" job. With my experience in both areas I have to say I really respect the Apprehension team for acknowledging that they need someone to act as a project leader. Too often I see people dismissing the role since it's not "technical". Let me tell you, after 16 years coding and 4 doing project management work, coding is far easier.

A project manager isn't a dictator. At least, a good one isn't. Instead, I tend to see my role as "amplifier". If I'm doing my job right, I'm able to "amplify" the great talent in the team by clearing away roadblocks, facilitating communications, resolving conflicts, helping to set priorities, and just generally acting as a sounding board to help the team members make their own decisions. I allow people to focus on what they like to do best.

Apprehensions offer sounds like just the type of challenge I'd enjoy. Unfortunately, I'm a little pre-occupied at the moment. My advice to Apprehension is to look for the candidate that understands they are there to support the team, not necessarily to "direct" it.

Good luck.


New Member
Jul 8, 2005
Seattle, WA
Jason, I respect your opinion. But our design doc is much more detailed at this point than many others considered "complete". We have the key systems in places including the economy (heck enough we even have a running alpha in ut2k4). What I mean though is our design doc is much more organic. While some areas need to be further refined (in example weapon classes). Something I can dedicate myself more fully to if I can find someone to take over the day to day operations/management.

DingBat. You hit it on the head. :) Sounds like your the right type of person. I can understand though wth your time commitments. If you happen to hear of someone you know with a similiar understanding/background that is currently between projects, please let them know about us.