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The Great Oppression
Mar 19, 2006
Right behind you.
Not that I play DayZ anymore, but back when I did...


This one time I was in the store in Zelenogorsk with a group. We were hit by another group that sneaked up on us and I was left crippled. None of us had any morphine so the rest of the group bailed. I sat there for a while waiting to die, but after the fighting died down I had so much aggro on me that the zombies had to clip inside one another to fit in the room.


Notice that I had -2200 blood but I was still alive. I logged out and logged back in on another server and I was still alive. Someone from our group patched me up and I was able to keep playing that guy for a couple more days.
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Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
the never-ending adventure... continues!







it's my new drug dealer / cowboy character.
he's neutral. he does business with the good guys and the bad guys, as long as he's getting paid it's all gravy.





Jan 20, 2008
I wasn't referring to just that image. There's a few 800x600 in this thread.

Yes let's belittle those who play the site's namesake game in its intended resolutions and post screenshots that aren't oversized for a forum that doesn't have room for overly huge screenshots anyway. and you wonder why the community is dying

And children mods.

I sure hope you are not referring to the Bulleta model I have worked very hard to create.

...and no I don't play with child actress voicepacks from that guy who keeps necroing threads with now dead UT-files links. To be honest I don't think anyone ever plays with those packs. What's next, Honey Booboo Tournament?
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Jun 21, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
Yes let's belittle those who play the site's namesake game in its intended resolutions and post screenshots that aren't oversized for a forum that doesn't have room for overly huge screenshots anyway. and you wonder why the community is dying

I'm pretty sure I played UT in 1024x768 10 years ago. Also, I wouldn't worry about screenshot size on the forum... most people who live in the 21st century use resolutions where that won't affect them. But if you're really worried, you can always use screenshot tags.

Also, the UT community has been dead for a long time. Sorry to break the news to you.
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