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PSN: Rostam_
May 1, 2001
Leiden, Holland
Gah spooky you still don't understand.

The part about losing your respect has nothing to do with your respect but the respect of the teamkiller. edit: meaning that I did not insult you here.

I tried to make clear that the 10 minutes is not just 10 minutes to post, it's 10 minutes of: thinking about the post I'm commenting on, thinking on my post, actually writing the post and re-reading it.

I understood the part of the INF-Veteran part just fine, I just used it to show that if I threat you badly it has no concequences on newbies.

I feel this is hopeless. Not one of my posts was read the right way. Oh, except the one where I showed that I was starting to get pissed for debating against a brick wall.

As for the current topic, I still don't see why a bigger punishment for teamkilling should exist.
As for your latest argument:
But IMO it would be cool to have some kind of system that Could give an added reason Not to Tk
I think I already commented on all arguments that rest on the word 'cool' a couple of pages ago.

Not only to give Justice to the victim, But also to add some cautoin to peoples play.
There is a saying I once heard. "The only thing more accurate than incoming enemy fire is incoming friendly fire". Let me rephrase, you should always be careful for as well enemy as friendly fire. As for the actual teamkiller, a big red skull in front of your name is already as huge punishment for myself. Alot of people are trying to build up a reputation, meaning they will do whatever they can to prevent teamkills.

However, there is also a small group who shoot at anything, just to be safe. Although I have never been teamkilled by such a person before, I am not ignorent enough to say they don't exist. I do however believe there should not be a bigger punishment for teamkills, as it would mostly punish the wrong person. It seems we are living in different realities though. I believe most teamkills are the fault of the person being killed, where cameltoe believes 99% of the teamkills are because of the teamkiller.
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Inf Old-Timer
Oct 22, 2002
I tried to make clear that the 10 minutes is not just 10 minutes to post, it's 10 minutes of: thinking about the post I'm commenting on, thinking on my post, actually writing the post and re-reading it.

1. If I take too long to post .. I sometimes get logged out and loose everything ive typed .. and i know im not the only one who has had this happen

2. I have to constantly come and go from my desk and quite often once im typing i have to hurry .. you will notice than almost all my posts get edited as i return to re read it and correct my typos ( although my spelling dose suck :( )

Re :

But IMO it would be cool to have some kind of system that Could give an added reason Not to Tk

Please pay close attention to the "IMO" in capital letters
Im not saying you have to agree with it ;)
Im just saying what I think it would be cool
And yes for the Mainsteam Community I agree most of us should know well enough to be careful about FF But not everyone who plays Inf cares as much about teamwork as most people do And Im hopeing Infiltration will grow beyond Our presently small community and more players inevatably means more idiots too
But like I said in the first place this is just MY opinion
These are Just my thoghts of how I would like Inf to be You Dont have to agree with them .. But Feel free to Debate them with me, If u used less agression in your posts i would take you more serious
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PSN: Rostam_
May 1, 2001
Leiden, Holland
I'm rarely aggressive, I think that proves how big our miscommuncation is.

I remember when I started playing INF, I observed how others played and learned from them. I believe that new players will do the same. Sure there might be some that aren't like that but it seems like an overkill to implent a big thing like that just for so few.

I also lose my posts sometimes. I usually press ctr+a and ctr+c before I press submit. That helps alot. Of course the one time I forget to do that I lose my message, but that's Murphy's law for ya...