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Hmmmm I deleted infiltration from my disk.hmmm i am to laziness to install so many thinks like weapon pack bonus pack ... it would be great if some1 can put all this mutators or what ever in 1 installation file and maybe then infiltration would be playful for me and some others players too i think
Um, the weapon pack and bonus pack are in the CE edition. As for everything after that including psytex and random mutators I can throw it all in a zip with the right installation directories (so you only have to rename the folder to [name of your UT folder] and drop it in the location containing your UT folder) provided that
a) someone is willing to upload it (e.g. you)
b) you have windows 7 or vista, the two OS's I will test it on
c) psycho is okay with it (I'll find out)
d) you play dtas on sunday if it works
I don t know how many players infiltration have but i know thet is hard to find new players .I am weating new CE edition and I hope that there will be new players some day.I like to play infiltration with 14 or more players.Thanks Snipez for offer!Hmmmm and i really miss eas gameplay or good old tdm. I never want to play Dtas and i stoped play infiltration becouse i really hate thet spawn mutator.maybe i will come but i am not not bother for me I'll be installing infiltration if I wanted to play.thenks any way Snipez.
Well I think a couple of people have expressed their interest in a second community edition that will include everything currently needed to play the game. A few other people have disappeared recently because of psytex issues and some newer players have had various installation issues. The issues arise consistently, so instead of attempting to reach everyone I know of who has installation problems, I'm hoping that an easier installation process will resolve some issues.
I know this post is not intended for this topic but I wrote the last post which does not belong here. All we have to admit that this game became a big mess of data. 1: Home page of this game does not work as it should be. 2: It contains many new additions to the new players do not know how to add to the game or do not find on the Internet (this is the reason that I do that ugly but useful web site with download links) 3: psytex caused many problems for new players. 4: all this is happening already for many years and i do not wonder that the game has become empty. All I can say is that is really the best game ever made. only shame is that this game is a mod for Unreal Tournament. i would bet it all that if this game would not be a mod thet game would be one of the most played games in the world and i am happy to know how is look like to play on full servers.
Steven alls you have to do is go on skype and message all 3 of us, 4 when Sean stops wasting his life away on facebook, 5 when Primoz decides to stop smoking and wake up.
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