Does anyone know what the units are? For example, the standard rotation rate for weapon pickups in Unreal is 5000. I'd like to know what that is in degrees or radians per second.
There's one important thing to remember about UnrealScript rotators, though. They're not measured in degrees, or even radians. For some reason, Epic chose to make up their own little system of angle measure. In this system, 360 degrees is about equal to 65535 Unreal angle units. Quite a big difference there. So don't get the two mixed up, or you'll spend hours trying to figure out why in the hell your setting of 60 degrees still looks like 0 in the game.
.Originally posted by RedEye(Co30)
The reason I wanted to know, is that I'm putting a clock tower in a level and I want the hands to keep time. That has to have been done before, it's so obvious, but still cool.
Originally posted by bobtheking
65535, 256, 1024, etc. are all 2^x numbers, so the most information possible can be stored without using more memory. 256=2^8, 1024=2^10, 65536=2^16. that is also where they get bit colors, 16 bit color = 65536 possible colors. the editor uses the maximum size with the same amount of memory a smaller area might use, to a point. same with the rotation grid.
Originally posted by Varpu
Actually, 65535 is the biggest positive integer that can be expressed bith two bytes