Rooster's farewell address... (kinda)

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The Farterator
Feb 23, 2000
Good Bye Rooster.

This game was a major entertainment venue/hobby/escape for me since the Unreal days. Some people watch TV, I like to play UT.

I came to these boards looking for a way to get up onto the cliffs in Lava. (whadda noob) Your advice, hints, help and attitude made me a better player (Yeah, that's not saying much ;)) and helped me get more out of what is my personal entertainment. I hope that I can take the things I've learned from you and pass them on to others. The PuF I sport on my online name is in large part because of the attitude you've put forth on these forums.

Your family and job come first. You will get out of them what you put into them. I'm glad you've realized this before they were seriously jeopardized.

You're already missed.

Best wishes in the real world.

Lance "Morety" Moreton


Old Fart
Dec 4, 1999
...standing behind you...
A gentle breeze flows across the meadow
Flowers awake to the morning sun
Life abounds and hugs the glow
Rejoicing,flowers sway in song

Night silently falls onto the land
darkness warns and the flowers sleep
Rejoice they will and know they can
For the sun again, the flowers will see

God bless Rooster...we all love you.


SSJ Vegeta - like
Jun 4, 2000
Bye roo

I'll never forget you man,

I'll never forget what you did for me, you were like a teacher to me. I enjoyed every game I got to play with you, and wished I might have gotten a couple more in. Your one no one will forget. This is the 2nd time that someone on a forum that is well known has left for a certain reason, but I guarantee you will be back, and when you do your spot will be there, for now it is empty and deserted...

Take care roo, good luck!


Apr 7, 2000
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we coulda at least played our game man... heheh j/k... :D

in all seriousness you were one of the pillars of the community... and going by the number of posts in this thread you are already missed...

it's been almost a year since the game has been out... so it's not surprising seeing the amount of ppl leaving... to have enough free time and the passion to play over the course of a year to play a game is pretty rare... i'm lucky that i started late

gl with everything.. pop ur in head in #pu once in awhile ;)


Sperm Bot
Aug 5, 2000
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El Roostre,I am not going to read 4 pages of posts,but I will let you know that I am sure everyone supports you,and you have been a good teacher/helper to alot of us here.
Whatever you decide is best for your family has to be priority over everything (yes...even UT).Good luck in the future.And thanx for the help you have given me in the past. :)


Master of the Paddle
Jul 23, 2000
Madison Wisconsin
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Take care Rooster!! I am fully behind ya on this one!! You need to place family and work before the game!! We will miss you but you are doing the right thing!!

We at 950 have had some members taking time off also to spend time with family and loved-ones!! We whole-heartly back them on their choice!!

We all have to reflect at times and make sure that we don't get to hooked on the digital crack!! :D


New Member
Apr 17, 2000
I think that it is somewhat fitting that a m0 who is spamming every post and especially this one, has the status that he does.

Rooster, what can i say? You know you've made the right decisions, and you know that we will all miss you.

So instead:

I remember the first time I logged on #pu after hearing about it in here...and there was nobody there. shrug. But the second time, you were there, along with a few others, and i thought, 'OMG it's THE ROOSTER!' (I guess that kinda makes me sound like a newbie pornstar or something)...but i think everyone was in a game, so i said something lame and then left (i always wonder if you saw/remember that and thought WTF?) And then one time.... i had the honor of being asked to join a game on your team! (ok, so you guys were simply short a player...we all see things differently=) On finally showed me where the damn shield was... and entrusted Def to me! (that might not have been such a good call;) )

You did a lot for us, and for those of us who joined earlier your presence went a long ways towards making UT fun and PuF a great community.

I think I will make a godlike Bot named rooster with all skills dialed up and stuff. But skin/face would you like?


Godlike Drunken Spammer
Jun 21, 2000
Roo...although there isn't much more to say, I'll try my best :)

You helped me a few times with computer questions and i also valued your opinion very much on them. I also enjoyed the conversations we had...especially those lil Mac vs PC debates in my first ever thread posted ;)

We all understand (well hopefully anyways) that family comes first and I stand behind your decision all the way. I wish the best of luck to you and your family...stop my often as possible though'll always be welcome :)



Honest and unmerciful
Mar 25, 2000
Sorry to hear about the crap Roost.

Real life has to take priority over UT. Having a family must be one of the best privledges ever :)

You've been an online inspiration ever since I've been browsing this forum (new year-ish).

Good luck in whatever :)


New Member
May 27, 2000
I am sad now =(

Sad to see you go, but as a daddy to be I fully support your decision.

You know I remember when I started playing here I used to hear about this Rooster guy and I decided to investigate the person that was so godlike to everyone. I rememeber playing a Face match one day and I say a Rooster join the game, my first instinct was "WOW here is that dude everyone talks about!!!" I remember playing my heart out in that game because I wanted to do good for you. Then I come back here and in my first post I say good job to you in and it was a pleasure to finally play with you. BUT to my disapointment I found out that I had the wrong guy =(

My point of all this was to let you know that you are an important figure in the UT community and your words, wisdom and kindness will be missed.

I know is sounds corny but if I could have a role model for UT it your be You.

GL with the family.



reply to rooster

i am what as known as a "computer widow." comparable to a sports widow, i too have had to repeat questions to my gaming husband at least three times to illicit a response whenever he is preoccupied with his UT. i have learned to deal with it. upon the birth of our daughter, known as "princess," i have seen a remarkable change in the man formerly known as the "gaming junkie." he plays with our daughter all the time and has become a wonderful and loving father, and in turn, a more attentive husband. he still games, but around the family schedule now. i congratulate rooster for seeing within himself the changes he needed to make, as i am certain the realization was a difficult and eye-opening experience. you are not alone, rooster, and wives and children everywhere appreciate your desire to refocus your energies on your family.


New Member
May 10, 2000
Hey Roo...thanks for all the help you offered up to me about hosting a UT server, as well as the countless other questions that you answered that I'm just too dumb to recall at this time :) Take care man, and don't be a stranger.


Can one of the admins set Rooster's post count to something 4 trillion, to keep all the post hounds from going after that number 1 spot? ;)


A legend in his own mind
Feb 9, 2000
Southern MD, US
First let me say this....

Rooster...You've always been cool to me. In my first post, I started shouting about something stupid, and you told me to just to mellow out. You didn't jump on my case or anything. You welcomed me here.

And now....Rooster is not DEAD! He is not dying. He's not even gone. I saw that he made a post yesterday...10/12/2000

So he's not gonna post much! It's not a big deal. I think a lot of us waste quite a bit of time here. Maybe more than we should.

Whatever you do you do Rooster, I hope your well. And I hope to see you on the servers.


Rumpshaking Moderator
Mar 28, 2000
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You are a good man, Rooster. I have definitely been missing the hell out of you these last few weeks. But I always trusted that you had a good reason. You got my support cowboy.

Thanks for all the help, tips, encouragement, etc.

If you do get time to play a game now and then, please log on #PU first so I can follow you in and spec. I learned alot when I did that a few weeks ago.

Yeah, I come to spec the Rooster... OH YEAH!

Good luck with all.
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