The Drugger is underpowered. I made the point of that versus the railgun, because which do you want more? Nobody wants the drugger, so just dump it. I mentioned the range of normal to super because that is what it is. You hafta have them balanced so everyone would wanna use that gun. Not just half worth using, and just ignore the rest. Why do other overkill mods work? Balance. Excessive and Apocalypse Weapons have guns that all worth using. Not just a few.
And something else to need to add a Pain2K3 mutator. Using WoRM is a blast, but not in order to use your mod. Part of making and balancing a weapons mod is coming up with your own config that you feel is best suited for gameplay. If you can come up with that perfect combination, the players will appreciate it that much more. And then if they want, they can WoRM it.
And something else to need to add a Pain2K3 mutator. Using WoRM is a blast, but not in order to use your mod. Part of making and balancing a weapons mod is coming up with your own config that you feel is best suited for gameplay. If you can come up with that perfect combination, the players will appreciate it that much more. And then if they want, they can WoRM it.