the first mission of episode 3 (where you have to enter the base through the forest without being detected) is the first one that has frustrated me, because of the way it plays and the way it makes the graphics look dull.
Other than that, it is superb, and I seem to be one of the only ones who liked the crypt levels - good old fashioned blastin'. I have one memory of turning round, seeing a zombie and emptying a clip into it at point blank range, and his facial features lighting up from the gunfire, which was cool.
As mentioned before, this game is about set-pieces - such as where a group of nazis shoot up at you from the room below and tear the floor apart, or where you encounter the first enemy with a mauser rifle and he is shooting you from a turret far away, and you see the gunflash, then hear the delayed bang... just little features like this, but lots of them, make the SP great.
Oh yeah, and the grenades kick mucho asso.