You guys do realize, that if you remove the DE.50 from the server, he will just use the .357 or something more lethal right? 
BTW, you did a damn good job on the DE.50 UN17!!!
BTW, you did a damn good job on the DE.50 UN17!!!
LGM said:I know if I got hit by 2 shots from a .50 I wouldnt be alive long, armor or not.
Damn right its not.cracwhore said:INF isn't CS,.
LGM said:So why dont you relax, have fun and stop whining about stuff?
Taque said:Hope you guys don't like the MP540 that's in the game because, while it might be fun, the sights are all screwed up
Odie said:As a matter of fact I am the one who asked for the Chorme version of the DE.
UN17 said:The .50AE just has the most action hero feel to it.