In real life, a bullet does not travel forward until a certain range than disappear. Instead it has an arc of fire, where it would slant down to the ground and eventually make contact. BF2 has already incorporated this (I am 100% sure, I tested sniping people from different distances by telling a friend of mine to stand a certain distance from me while I test) I believe that this should be applied to all weapons in UT2004 except for light-emitting ones. In real life bullets slightly ricochette off of rounded surfaces, I believe that this should apply in UT2007.
Lasers should bounce off reflective surfaces just like in real life. I believe that the shock combo creates powerful electromagnetism, this should create a distortion effect and should bend laser-like weaponfire (yes you can create a magnet strong enough to bend light [Its been done] by the US military, around a ship in an attempt to make a fleet that is undetectable. What happened is that most of the crew either went blind or melted to the hull of the ship. PLUS THE SHIP TELEPORTED, you probably think I'm joking but look it up in the internet, I learned about this while trying to acquire information about the "Nazi Bell" Experiments). I also believe that Lasers should have infinate range and bounces just like in real life, and should only disappear when they hit a non-reflective surface like a mountain or the sky-box.
Back to UT2007, I believe that (like in CS) weapons whould deal different amounts of damage depending on which part of the body they hit (I'm sick of people shooting you in the legs and getting kills just as quickly as they would if they were to shoot you in the chest), this should also apply to vehicles too. - I listed too many things to make a non-biased poll, so just tell me what you agree or disagree with -
Lasers should bounce off reflective surfaces just like in real life. I believe that the shock combo creates powerful electromagnetism, this should create a distortion effect and should bend laser-like weaponfire (yes you can create a magnet strong enough to bend light [Its been done] by the US military, around a ship in an attempt to make a fleet that is undetectable. What happened is that most of the crew either went blind or melted to the hull of the ship. PLUS THE SHIP TELEPORTED, you probably think I'm joking but look it up in the internet, I learned about this while trying to acquire information about the "Nazi Bell" Experiments). I also believe that Lasers should have infinate range and bounces just like in real life, and should only disappear when they hit a non-reflective surface like a mountain or the sky-box.
Back to UT2007, I believe that (like in CS) weapons whould deal different amounts of damage depending on which part of the body they hit (I'm sick of people shooting you in the legs and getting kills just as quickly as they would if they were to shoot you in the chest), this should also apply to vehicles too. - I listed too many things to make a non-biased poll, so just tell me what you agree or disagree with -
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