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Level Designer
Dec 2, 2001
I have built a level and placed Pathnodes in it. Along with Pathnodes, I have placed other actors which create paths. My reachspecs have been growning every time I rebuild. I deleted all the playerstarts, pathnodes, alternate paths, lift centers/exits, and jumpspots. I then "Built All" and the reach specs are still growing. The reachspecs take way less time to be added after I have deleted all the path-oriented actors, but How can I get this number back to 0?


you can call me Mike
Nov 3, 2001
N43° 03' 16" :::: W77° 36' 03"
Originally posted by Poppa_Cap
... How can I get this number back to 0?
as long as you have path things in your level it will never be "0", but you can make it the lowest possible number (ie, without the garbage Varpu was talkin about) if you right click a pathnode -> select all pathnodes -> order to last -> then rebuild. all that garbage will cease to exist (until you decide to rebuild paths again). In this case, right before you resease a map you should do this.


Level Designer
Dec 2, 2001
If I don't place any "Alternate Paths" in my level and just stick to creating a path network with only "Pathnodes", will that be enough for the bots to manuever around? I have had problems with my bots running and ten stopping at this big rock wall with 4 tunnels going through it. They won't walk through the tunnels past the red/blue border. Wassup with that?