Well, it was one helluva game. Due to some no-shows, we went for a 3v3 match for the tiebreaker Orbital. It was 2-2 after playing for about 10 minutes. LPt had grabbed our flag...and the server cut out and went to Bollwerk.
So, we then re-started and played a 10 minute match. Well, Mrukk grabbed our flag and JJaX grabbed their flag about a minute into the game. That's exactly how it stood and we went into overtime with one big standoff.
TinMan stayed back and guarded JJaX while I went to retrieve the flag from Mrukk. Perigrine and Namu went after our flag, leaving Mrukk alone making it an interesting 1v1 type matchup for me.
He was hanging out in the amp room with shield belt on. I know I knocked him down a few times, and we had some great shock jousting matches. I came in from the centre room, the flak room, and his flag room. Damned if I could get him. Eventually I grabbed a deemer. I was running in from the center room and I heard him grab the armour. I let it launch. It was too close range for him to shock the deemer dead. I had Perigrine on my ass, but he must've just ran out of ammo because I suddenly heard an IH. I was able to x-loc onto the flag and get it back.
I really really enjoyed that. It was one helluva standoff making it tense through the whole match.