ps2 Unreal Games?

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New Member
Aug 29, 2000
ut = unreal 1 stand alone add on, textures and all other stuff is identical, maximum res was 256 since voodoo cards didnt support anything bigger
and even 256*256 is already a lot for a playstation 2, let alone a ps1, 32*32 and 64*64 sounds more like it :p
really low res stuff, not fun to work with such system
and unreal 1 ps excisted but was dumped halfway trough


teh suxx0r
Sep 6, 2004
Hell, AKA New Jersey
Sir_Brizz said:
With interlacing, you can't really tell anyways...

I'm using a HDTV. So the only interlaced signal for my consoles is on my (friend's, mine is fuxx0red) PS2 (S-Video) or games that don't support 480p on my GameCube. Both my GameCube and my Xbox are hooked up through component inputs, and the Xbox auto does 480p, and many games on the GC support it as well.

Renegade Retard

Defender of the newbie
Dec 18, 2002
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{UH}raVen said:
i would luv to c sum unreal gamez 4 da ps2 since i dont have an xbox

Many people would, but it's just not going to happen. Who knows, when Sony's next gen system comes out, then maybe? I doubt it, though, as it appears that developers are getting intrenched in Microsoft.

If you really want to play the unreal engine on a console, then you may want to start saving up for a different system.

Renegade Retard

Defender of the newbie
Dec 18, 2002
Visit site
That's not a bad start. You can get a new XBox for around $150 now I believe. If you're really tight on money, you can probably check out places like EB Games and find a previously used or refirbished system for $120.


Feb 13, 2002
Yes, please.
The PS2 version of UT is horrible. The controls are terrible, you can't configure them, and there's tons of auto aim. If you're trying to do a shock combo, the auto-aim will fire at the person instead of the shock ball, even if your crosshair is right on the ball. The map selection is horrible. Of the few maps available, only a few are from the original, and most are crappy PS2 exclusive maps, becuase the PS2 couldn't handle the original maps, apperantly. None of the maps that made the PC version great are in it, especially not Face or Deck 16. It only supports 2 player split screen or 2 player system link, that's it. Don't buy it, it's not even worth $5.

If you want unreal-type action on PS2, your best bet is Quake III Revolution. It's not a great port either, but the controls are as good as it gets with a control pad, and most of the popular maps are in it. It also supports up to 4 players split screen. My only major complain is that they edited a few of the maps with really stupid changes, but mostly it's only in the miscelaneous maps that no one cares about. Again, not great, but it's the best you can get on PS2.


JB Mapper
Jul 3, 2004
To be honest if you want to play a decent fps, just get a decent pc. The best that consoles have to offer (of what I have played) are Timesplitters 2 and Red Faction 2. Timesplitters is a pain to aim due to using analogue sticks which are really unsensitive, Red faction is better but it is never going to rival a mouse.
I doubt I will buy another console for a while, unless I want to keep up to date with Gran Turismo and MGS