I don't know how, but there are a few KOTA(Including ones where the king has a large arsenal as a bonus) mods and similar things, so someone with enough knowledge of Uscript should be able to do that.
As for the total wipeout mode, well, it's a pretty lame idea, really, every player is killed without being able to do anything about it, and therefore the player using it automatically gains a lot of frags, given the avalibility of the Redeemer,(usally fairly easy to get) and getting enough ammo in a pickup anyway(looking back at posts, it sounds like it comes with 150, as opposed to 150 being the maximum amount of ammo), that would really ruin any game completely, even if 150 was the maximum ammo, there are two redeemers in CTF-Face and getting a redeemer twice may sometimes be difficult, but can be done either way, allowing you to gain a large amount of frags for simply shooting a wall.