Where the hell is the new NC clan page? And I was on some of the servers you guys play at the other night but didn't see any of you lamers.
I'll probably have to frequent those servers some more.
What's the irc channel again? When do you guys play?
I just fix0rcated my computer and UT runs smooth like buttah again, plus I got my surround sound workin' good, so it SOUNDS as smooth as it looks now! =)
I also passionately and humorlessly hate Rukee, Cat Fuzz, Nebel, 007Mike, oosyxxx and anybody else who I happen to see on these forums (OK, perhaps a few more people I haven't met yet, but I'm sure my stomach churns in disgust when I meet them), so I'd love to have a chance at fraggin' 'em. I don't care about winning, I just wanna frag 'em once and spend the rest of the game gloating and spamming...