Due to a PM I decided I would upload some of my old UT Logos. Though I indicated that it was a UT3 logo specifically that I was gonna upload and in fact I made this for a UT2k4 mod that never happened. Oddly enough it has come to my attention just this week that a few people around the net are using it as a logo for the new UT. Not that there is any confusion on these forums, but for the record I have never been approached by epic about it. I chock it up to the typical incompetance of bloggers and vloggers.
This is said logo.
It came out of the UT2k4 logo .psds that Epic distributed tbh.
I started by modifying the UT2k4 logo to look thus:
My website was chrome shiny black and green at the time hence I made a logo to match... but I decided I didn't like it.
Then came:
I didn't hate it, but it resembled something that should be on an rpg imo
I stripped out the fire and the filigree and cleaned it up a tiny bit, then tried to make it look like an orb of blood:
I liked it but something still bugged me about it...
I shortly thereafter realized that I like round objects crystal balls, glass paper weights, orb icons, boobs, etc. The result was of course:
but first I tried this (it tied in to the idea of said mod)
I immediately realized that both the effect and my macro photography skills were crap.
I had to recreate the side spikes and re-chrome the existing U but only to crisp it up after changing its dimensions. Keeping the grime consistent was a matter of a layer style in photoshop. Though I can't recall if it was a style in the original psd or something I made and I don't have photoshop installed atm to check.
Other UT logos of mine.
Edit: BTW If anybody wants .psds on these and know a good file host let me know.