I WILL regret joining this discussion ...
M.A.D.X.W. said:
Homosexuals are normal, and happy with their lifestyle.
Some gays considered themselves aberrations or are very unhappy, live in isolated neighbourhoods and so on.
Even with doubts, should we really care? It's for THEM to worry about. There must be room for all citizens, regardless of how "normal" they are or how prone they are to stigma. Some stuff must be taken so lightly that it's not even an interesting subject for discussion. Social pressure has gone too far and some people must learn to mind their own business. If you want to evaluate people, do so based on how they behave towards others or their contribution, not what they are or their personal life. Gays aren't usually violent, crime rate is very low within the community, they are productive, work, pay taxes and so on.
Gay marriage was approved here by large majority. Before the legislation was written, the gov asked for technical opinions from a medical organization. I don't know the exact wording but they refused to qualify it. Rather, they would help and guide any homossexual acording to his personal views. That means psycological support in case of depression or if the individual considered his/her own condition a disease. Again support and guidance if someone was willing to admit it. Medical help for the ones that wanted to have sex related surgery. You get the idea.
Regarding people reactions, what I liked was that they mostly weren't pro or against, they didn't care! Sure, some "hate fags" but what annoyed people wasn't morality or if gays are this or that, but rather that they were forced to think about it. If the economy is having problems, why are having to deal with this monumental waste of time?? Get married already and GTFO!