Government should stay out of my business religiously speaking? check
Government should stay out of my business in reference to what goes on in my bedroom between consenting adults? check
...and yet here we are.
The only problems with making gay marriage legal and all normalized should be: "We need to sit down and all agree on the tax laws."
Wouldn't all of this would be so much easier to get a handle on if our tax laws were not based on christianity, and the christian view of marriage and how every couple should be rewarded for making babies.
My wife and I have 3 children, and our tax returns are ridiculous compared to what we'd get when we were legally single. I actually feel bad for friends who don't have kids come tax season, it's outright robbery. These laws are pretty much in-your-face christian-based bigotry.
Government should stay out of my business in reference to what goes on in my bedroom between consenting adults? check
...and yet here we are.
The only problems with making gay marriage legal and all normalized should be: "We need to sit down and all agree on the tax laws."
Wouldn't all of this would be so much easier to get a handle on if our tax laws were not based on christianity, and the christian view of marriage and how every couple should be rewarded for making babies.
My wife and I have 3 children, and our tax returns are ridiculous compared to what we'd get when we were legally single. I actually feel bad for friends who don't have kids come tax season, it's outright robbery. These laws are pretty much in-your-face christian-based bigotry.