Point and dial cell phones

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New Member
Sep 6, 2004
I don't know ,guess I'm just getting old-old fashioned, it seems so stupid to need to talk on the phone so dang much.Then tie that in with thr RF(Radio Frequency) absorbtion directly into your head (microwave range) .And being tied down to it so people can call you like it's a pager, probably 95% of the conversations are superfulus.

I say only emergency workers or city services people should have that invention.
I will never own one unless it's paramount, or like on vacation or mabye trveling or forced to by a job.


Coffee overclocks the overclocker!!
May 15, 2001
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Yea, with 5 million being sold every year, and I know people with riders that are 20+ years old..... so how many total riders are in garages already!!??
The potential for this product is huge, need an invester that can also see the potential as well.


Coffee overclocks the overclocker!!
May 15, 2001
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Video Cards??? :con:

We pitched it to every manufacturer of lawn equipment we could find, they all like it but said they just do their own thing and don`t take on products like this. John Deere even went one step further and claimed that it will never work as they have tryed to do the same thing back in the `60s and they failed. But I don`t believe them, cause if they had they would have appied for patients cover such a device, and no patents were applied for in the `50s or `60s covering anything like it by them or anyone else.
Seems to me they all think it`s a good idea and they figure I don`t have the $$$ to do anything with it, so if I let the dues laps on the patent, they can come in a swoop it up and run with it for free.
On the other hand too, if I were to get a production unit completed and started to stock even just some local shelves with it, get it on the news and such then the bigger companies will see that not only is it possable, but it`s selling, and at that point I can see them trying to buy the rights for it.
I need a manufacters plant with vission in tough times that needs me as much as I need them.


New Member
Sep 6, 2004
In the news here several years ago, two guys lifted thier push mower to trim a hedge and chopped off all thier finger tips.
This is one reason why I cannot stand goverment intervention (OSHA) to keep us safe.
So now I have to rig our mower so I can leave it running, all because of a few stupid people ruining it for the rest. safety, pffft

Along with the other countless useless labeling and regulations product labels, ever wonder how the old west managed? did they sue McDonalds for hot coffee?, so lame so lame :mad: :( :lol:
I will submit this is yet another reason why I hate dems-liberals (we know whats best for you) appraoch to running a country.
As well as costing money, useless rules,useless.

Oh on our Snapper walkbehind push mower, i used a bolt and bent it so i could rotate the loose bolt right on the top pole going down from handle.Ok well the reason i did it that way is there is allready a hole there for somthing.So I assume that other counties or landscapers are or can have a little gadget to keep mower running to hold the handle up.
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Baitshop opening soon.
Apr 9, 2000
Nali City, Florida
One thing that comes to mind with this invention is problems with the line feed. To begin with, I don’t know how the line feed would work. Any weedeater I’ve used needs to be tapped on the ground to feed the line out.

But the other problem is I constantly have trouble with the line getting stuck. I have to stop and take the bottom apart and get the line unjammed. It’s bad enough when I’m walking around with the unit, but if I had to stop while mowing, get off the mower and mess with the line, that would be even worse.

I can turn my weedeater upside down when I need to fix the line, so it’s right there at a good height to work on it. If I had to stoop over or lay down to work on it, that would be a pain. But I don’t know if or how any of that would relate to what you have.


Coffee overclocks the overclocker!!
May 15, 2001
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The line feed on the prototype is a bump feed. Every time it`s deployed it bump feeds more line, but you could use some of those hard blades too that don`t feed any line. This unit also stores on top of the deck when not in use, it collapses to the deck and then hinges on a about a 90* angle so it faces up instead of out. A micro switch on the hinge turns it on and off as it folds down to be deployed and back up to be stored. It would be easy to work on in the stored position.


Coffee overclocks the overclocker!!
May 15, 2001
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Yes, but on the prototype there is no line cutter so most of the time I deploy it I don`t let it hit hard enough to feed more line.


Baitshop opening soon.
Apr 9, 2000
Nali City, Florida
Interesting. I have the opposite problem when using a weedeater. I’m constantly having to bump to feed more line. But the weedeater I own is some cheap-ass Toro thing that’s close to bottom of the line. I think between being so cheap and my line being old and brittle is where I have most of my problems.

But another thing might be the grass here in Florida. I used to live up north and the blades of grass there were finer. The blades here for many lawns are tough. In fact, one of the things that was so weird when I first visited Florida was how it felt walking on some of the lawns. We have 2 basic lawn grasses: St. Augustine, and Bahia. Bahia has thin blades and is easy to cut, but St. Augustine is course and thick.

If you’re hedging, there’s a good chance it’s because there’s a fence. Between chain-link fences and St. Augustine grass, it used to eat my line up in no time. I’d say every 20 feet, I was tapping to feed more line out under those conditions. This makes me wonder how well your invention would work here. If the line was thicker (more robust) or you were using blades then this may not really be an issue.