well in a PvP match it would be equal teams, but balanced via mutators to make it fair play
the main scope is still PvB
What i can tell you is that during are Alpha testing we found the "hordes" of bots not very fun.
There was too much weapons fire. they moved too fast and everything in general just lagged. What we have decided is
1) Reduce the numbers of the enemy to more managable numbers
2) Increase their Armour, AI and model detail
3) Reduce their speed to match the increased armour levels
As i tell you. One thing in DA:UT everybody hated was the single lone bot getting through. Now you will have fewer targers moving at a much slower pace.
This may sound easy and not fun; but take into account they are heavily armoured and gunned, its going to need team work from your bunkers to concentrate fire on the enemy to take them down; plus they two will be using cover for protection - no more running in straight lines.
Also we want to make certain enemy bots take up firing postions on hills or in rubble to help give covering fire to their team mates.
What we should end up with is more intelligent heavily armoured and gunned enemies moving in a more strategic fashion. As the currently mode of having 30 Bots bouncing and jumping over each other in random directions shooting constantly looks and feels ugly...