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UT:XMP Dedicated Server Archive
Version IR-N
General Information
Type.................: Game
Platform.............: Unreal Tournament 2004
Serial #.............: USE-YOUR-UT2004-SERVER-KEY
More Info............: [url]http://free-monkey.com/[/url]
Compression Format...: ZIP
Portions (c) Epic Games - [url]www.epicgames.com[/url]
Portions (c) Free Monkey Interactive - [url]www.free-monkey.com[/url]
Intro / QuickStart:
This is a complete, ready-to-use dedicated server install for UT:XMP. Simply
unzip into the directory of your choice (preserving the folder structure) and
run UTXMP_SERVER.bat (located in the [basedir]\system folder).
*** If you are installing this on top of an existing UT2K4 server installation,
your existing UT2K4 server installation MUST be patched to v3339 ***
- the UTXMP.ini file is located in [basedir]\utxmp\system. This is the .ini
file that is read by the UT:XMP server - NOT the one in [basedir]\system.
This will install the dedicated server with the following settings:
- webadmin enabled (port 8080 by default)
- username: Admin
- password: ChangeMe (please change this ASAP for security reasons)
- UT:XMP mod loads by default
- maplist populated with all UT:XMP maps
- players = 16
- friendlyfire = 50% (0% is for n00bs)
Linux Support:
This archive was tested under Debian Linux and verified for basic
functionality. Extensive testing was not performed in this environment. Please
make sure that the ucc-bin file has execute permissions.
AntiCheat Support:
UT:XMP was tested with AntiTCC v118d and SafeGame 101 Beta 5e. Both of these
mutators can provide basic anti-cheat functionality with UT:XMP. *** In order
to use these mutators you must make 2 crucial changes to the configuration: ***
- AntiTCC v118d:
- SafeGame 101 Beta 5e:
Extensive testing with these mutators was not performed. Obviously there will
be unneeded functions enabled by default that should be disabled. It is even
possible that some settings will have a negative impact on the server and
gameplay. We do NOT guarantee that these mutators will function 100% with
- [url]www.free-monkey.com[/url]
- irc.gamesurge.net #utxmp
- This archive:
- [email]dubious@factoryunreal.com[/email]