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Human Swiss Army Knife
Jun 19, 2001
Atlanta, GA, USA
Hmm, that's odd

Well, if there IS any favoritism going on, it's a miracle I got in, as I know NOBODY. it took me nearly a month, and it takes alot of listening to what the PU staff needs from you before they'll host your site. Keep plugging away at it, it'll happen eventually.

//um, I ran out of comments


"Out of his depth in a car park puddle"
Apr 26, 2001

Thanks LOsT(NDS) - I know most get in on merit! Maybe you could email me a list of the criteria PU look for ("strong content" is a bit vague) after all I think my site looks okay - I would produce more maps even, but I'm moving to USA shortly, so RealLife interferes...

How about any of you PU hosting chappies giving me an idea - I though only QAPete made the decision?

(My site's link is below and my email is available from my profile)

Thanks again.
I finaly got my reply and was turned down by qapete
here is what it said:

.Sorry, Brenton, but I've had significant problems accessing any site over the past several weeks (and beyond, actually). Your site is very much like several others we have on board here already, so unfortunately, we'll be passing on your hosting request at this time.


I dont understand how Chainsaw reviews got hosted as that site is also similar

Also about 8 months ago I put in a hosting request. My site was in the early stages of development and here is the response i got:

.Thanks for the interest, Brenton, but we're pretty settled for now on the review sites we have, so we'll be declining your request at this time. I encourage you to keep doing reviews, though, and build up a nice supply of 'em. One never knows when an opportunity comes about.

-PlanetUnreal Site Director

I have nothing against Chainsaw reviews and I think it is a very well made and nice looking site but I don't understand how this got hosted if Planet Unreal was settled for reviews sites.

Perhaps there is favoriteisum in the depts of PU. Anyway does anyone have any sugestons as to how I could increase my hits without actuly being hosted by PU? Also I'm looking for some new reviewers if anyone is interested.

One last thing, I asked in my response email to qapete what it would take to improve my site to get it hosted but he merly replyed with the fact that PU was settled for review sites. Does that mean that it is imposible for me to get hosted at PU regardless of the amount of work I'v put into improving the site and the amount of work I'm propered to put into making it even better! If anyone can anwser that question please do. I don't understand how my reviews site could damage the comuity in any way. All its doing is providing a free service to people that want it, if you don't want you don't have to view the reviews, its your choice, I don't think one extra reviews site will damage Planet Unreal.

If any of that made sence to anyone please anwser any questions I have asked if you can!

Thanks, Unky_Brent


New Member
Jan 26, 2000
no clue, but to be honest i don't visit review sites, its like they put there opinion on it, and we'll all have to go with that
What i do read is interviews of CliffB, and all the other Staff @epic
perhaps this could boost your site a bit, an exclusive video interview or audio interview, or something exclusive, as the mail stated: its been done
Now i don't think my opinion counts to much since i'm not really interessted in these reviews sites


Feb 9, 2001
Right for one, I had to wait a while for my responce and theres no favouratism going on as he just said in our reply that he really liked the site design!

So he might actually like the site ok!


Dec 8, 2000
Re: Huh? Wake-up call...

Originally posted by BarfLung
Quoted by DeeperShade not long back:

Seems to me somebody making the decisions does...

There is no favourtism going on.. which bit dont you understand? :confused:

I didnt know anyone on the PU staff team when I got hosted, if that was what you were implying..


Human Swiss Army Knife
Jun 19, 2001
Atlanta, GA, USA
hey hey hey

Let's not get all anal up in here, look, You're site wasn't hosted because PU has enough review sites already, Chainsaw got hosted because at the time, PU felt like it could use another review site,it's as simple as that. As for PU's requirements, that's something you'd need to take up with them, but I doubt you'll get much farther, I was once hosted at unrealcenter, and to get my site hosted, I worked my ass off, updated my site frequently, and put up a mirror for when Unrealcenter was down at an angelfire account. I think at this point it would be best to stay where you are as PU has obviously made it clear that they have enough review sites as is. So no amount of tweaking your site will get you anywhere, unless you decide to start coding or modelling, or do A different kind of site, or go review for one of the existing PU sites. That's about it.

//Can't sleep, clowns will eat me...


Dec 8, 2000
Originally posted by TTRStryker8
because his site is something different, you'r as i stated is an idea overused

Erm.. were you referring to me on this? You havent quoted me but your reply is right after mine so Im not sure if your referencing my site.

If you are then, Model Farm is not an overused idea. Infact, as far as I know, there are no other hosted sites that use the Model Farm format. Its unique. Thats why I made it.

Granted, I dont update it too often nowadays, mainly because im working on the weapons pack (which is coming along nicely :p)


Jul 1, 2000
Another thing to note is that UnrealCenter tends to mess with their servers, thusly causing all these Apache server pages saying stuff about some internal server error that nobody seems to be able to solve.

(I'll want to edit this post later for some reason...)