OT- Epic banned me

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Jul 18, 2004
New Zealand
Today when I tried to go online in UT it came up with a message saying my cd-key was banned:( I am very confused as to why they would do this, very random and very annoying:mad:
Anyone ealse ever had this problem?
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Evil Genius in a Nutshell
Sep 2, 2004
did you loan your copy out????
is your copy ligit????
I was going to loan mine out to someone that has no intrest in UT, but wants to try the free version of Maya that comes with it. I heard that my UT key would be toast if he went online with my key. So I had to tell him no.

If I uninstall UT2k4......is it ok for me to sell my copy???
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UnWheel Server Guru!
Aug 29, 2004
JACK SH!T said:
did you loan your copy out????
is your copy ligit????
I was going to loan mine out to someone that has no intrest in UT, but wants to try the free version of Maya that comes with it. I heard that my UT key would be toast if he went online with my key. So I had to tell him no.

If I uninstall UT2k4......is it ok for me to sell my copy???
I dont see how they can do that... I have my UT2k4 installed on 2 computers (both mine)... both online. Its a game... not god damn windows! They will ban your key if you have cheats installed ... keep that in mind (not saying you cheat or anything...lol)!!


Jul 18, 2004
New Zealand
My copy is legit. No I havn't been hacking. I emailed them, but i haven't had a reponse yet.
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'JeeP' addict
Sep 18, 2002
Visit site
i thought it was individual servers/admins who do teh key bans. g/l jamesg hope you get it straightened out soon.

OT: snipe, your server wouldnt let me connect last night sometime between 9:30 and 10:30.... hope im not banned too .... :( i checked my .log file and couldnt see anything worth mentioning in there.


UnWheel Server Guru!
Aug 29, 2004
JamesBong said:
i thought it was individual servers/admins who do teh key bans. g/l jamesg hope you get it straightened out soon.

OT: snipe, your server wouldnt let me connect last night sometime between 9:30 and 10:30.... hope im not banned too .... :( i checked my .log file and couldnt see anything worth mentioning in there.
I had it offline for about a half-hour as I updated some of the linux packages (this was around 11pm EST though). Should be working fine again.. let me know if you run into any problems. :)


'JeeP' addict
Sep 18, 2002
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$n][pErMan said:
I had it offline for about a half-hour as I updated some of the linux packages (this was around 11pm EST though). Should be working fine again.. let me know if you run into any problems. :)

no.... it was up and running and advertising. trainracebeta would start to load then bam, connection failed screen with reconnect,server browser,main,exit 2k4. could there be a clue in your logs? ill try again tonight


Jul 18, 2004
New Zealand
Epic has replied to my email, they said my key was banned for cheating by a player named "BladeZ" playing from ip


UnWheel Server Guru!
Aug 29, 2004
bobnine said:
Epic has replied to my email, they said my key was banned for cheating by a player named "BladeZ" playing from ip
That sucks dude.... you sure you never gave your key to anyone? I suppose its also possible a cd key generator happened to come up with your key numbers and that person happened to cheat. You are probably SOL :(


Sep 17, 2004
So they ban by CD key but not by Global ID? I mean how many cheaters have been playing around.

$n][pErMan said:
I suppose its also possible a cd key generator happened to come up with your key numbers and that person happened to cheat. You are probably SOL :(

I'd doubt it.


UnWheel Server Guru!
Aug 29, 2004
Kantham said:
So they ban by CD key but not by Global ID? I mean how many cheaters have been playing around.

I'd doubt it.
So do I ;) He HAD to have given his CD Key to someone or HAD to have had some sort of cheat. I dont think epic would just ban a key w/o a reason. Which sucks... james was fun to race with. :(


Jul 18, 2004
New Zealand
$n][pErMan in "Yes said:
Well... I did notice (before the PM) that your CDKeys were the same. I temp banned him with the IP ... but clearly pretending he was JamesG was uncalled for. I kind of suspected it at first.. but he was acting cool so I did not check his IP. I am very happy u were honest about this... but sadly... in order to permaban him I will be banning the CDKey. Banning the IP does nothing as that can be changed very easy. Im sorry to do this to you man... but I will not stand for such trickery and lameness in my server. He is banned forever with 0 chance of being unbanned. I guess you will have to buy a used game or something for the CDKey because this means you will be banned aswell. I am final on this decision ... but he deserves it and I guess you will learn not to share you Key with other people too. GG's man... hope u can find another key cheap.
Then how did $n][pErMan see that craze and tactical were using the same key?


Sep 17, 2004
I think that he ment Global ID. CD keys are another thing. They are the last thing you want to share, so if an admin get to see other people's cd key then there's a well placed "hax" in there.


New Member
Jan 27, 2005
WARNING: stupid redundant rambling post ahead!

lol, thought he was runnin some sort o admin mod and peaking at our(my) key(lol im an ass, I made him buy me the DVD edition :) ), anyway, snipe, you should disable teh UTAN bans option in youre server, just to be on the safe side, would make sure no one gets banned by the master server from your server, other than that, DONT SHARE YOUR KEY, i learned that the hard way(was it realy hard? i ended up with something better :) ) so your prolly screwed about this key thingy, you can prolly find a key cheap online someware or in a store, and, why would your key be banned from using it on 2 machines, me and tact did it all the time, and i was only removed from the game once or twice on the same day, but i think that was teh day the UT master server took a sh!t, anyway, thats just my ramble opinion, but maby somone stole your key, do you run a firewall, lol this reminds me of a funny story, ok, tact NEVER runs a firewall, and when he dose its only eindows firewall, and i even set it up so he could play warcraft, and he still turns it off, and he even took off the port forward that i put in there, he says "the firewall make it slow" well, like last week, he did a virus scan(lol first one in, like, sence he got teh PC) and found mass viruses in his ut2004 folder in all kinds or game files(uED, UDebuGGeR, some funky installer, SeTUp.exe) lol i wall LOLling hard, and i told him he had a work or something, and hes all like "STFU and dont tell me whats goin on in my computer" ROFL, that jack ass prolly still has the virus, considering he uses Norton which last time i checked was total garbdge, (woah i just sat there staring at teh commercials on the tv for like, awhile, damn, i need to stop wattching the commercials, and like when the stuff comes back on i look away.... ) (JESUS this post got long fast, i must try and staty on topic... ) what was i talkingbout, yea, and he prolly still has the virus, DLing Warcraft maps like 'Penis Wars' then putting them on my pc and claiming he got them from me, (anyone seen theat pic of that sandwitch i had?) back on topic now, well seing as i cant rembber the topic anymore im gonna end this post b4 i start rambling on again.....


'JeeP' addict
Sep 18, 2002
Visit site
craze said:
lol, thought he was runnin some sort o admin mod and peaking at our(my) key(lol im an ass, I made him buy me the DVD edition :) ), anyway, snipe, you should disable teh UTAN bans option in youre server, just to be on the safe side, would make SNIP.....

:con: whaaaat???? nice attempt at english :crazydance: blahblahblah!!11!!1one!!1


Nicholas 'ProjectX' Udell - UnWheel Maps
Jan 9, 2004
Right behind you.
weelll leek @ t ds wy'

vrybds gt ds ear wy a tkn, ' s cld a dlct nit?

lt crz v is dlct f e wts 2, swt f h n uzis prgrfs?

newy me kbored s pbms oo
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Jul 18, 2004
New Zealand
Never mind, the problem is solved, Epic have given me a new key.

Now I just have to backup all my stuff, reinstall the game and all the mods and stuff I have.


UnWheel Server Guru!
Aug 29, 2004
ProjectX said:
weelll leek @ t ds wy'

vrybds gt ds ear wy a tkn, ' s cld a dlct nit?

lt crz v is dlct f e wts 2, swt f h n uzis prgrfs?

newy me kbored s pbms oo
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Now I just have to backup all my stuff, reinstall the game and all the mods and stuff I have.
Always a pain in the ass... but as long as you get to race again! :)