Osama Bin Laden - how to kill him

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Goat Fucker

No Future!
Aug 18, 2000
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I have never debated weather or not he's behind it, he is, what i am saying is that i think people are giving him too much credit, i have had people telling me that he is <i>THE</i> leader of the al 'queda network, and thats utter bull, he's one of the leaders, not <i>THE</i> leader.

From what information we as civilians do have about the al 'queda, it supposedly runs like the Italian Mafia, you have several "Godfarthers" that rule a region each, and has controll over that area, but whenever something big is going to happen, all the "Godfarthers" must assemble to agree on the action, and plan it, top-dog investors may be present aswell if it recuires their investment to work.

That means the Osama is but a pawn, a pawn of meny, and should be seen more in the light of people like Al Capone, Lucky Luciano and such, and not in the light we see people like Adolf Hiltler, or Josef Stalin.

Goat Fucker

No Future!
Aug 18, 2000
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What? you ran out of arguments UDTSNAKE?

The only information we civilians (army too, you'd need to be in secret service work to know more) have is just that, it works a bit like the Italian Mafia, that is all we know.

If you want to hit under the belt, you have to hit alot damn harder than that, i atleast have something to back what im saying with, fact over fiction (and yes, i can say fiction, because i have never seen "goodfellas").


heart breaker and life taker
Nov 16, 2001
Good Old USA
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Originally posted by Goat ****er
What? you ran out of arguments UDTSNAKE?

The only information we civilians (army too, you'd need to be in secret service work to know more) have is just that, it works a bit like the Italian Mafia, that is all we know.

If you want to hit under the belt, you have to hit alot damn harder than that, i atleast have something to back what im saying with, fact over fiction (and yes, i can say fiction, because i have never seen "goodfellas").

I dunno the more i think about this the more a truelly have to give pause. Im sitting here having a political conversations with some guy name goat ****er in denmark...Im just trying to figure where i went wrong in my life.


It's Suntory Time!
Mar 11, 2001
Is he the sole mastermind? Don't know, don't care. What I care about is that this doesn't stop when they do have him. They should continue on down the list.

OBL may not be the most powerful person in terrorism, but he is the most influential. He's a household name both in our country and in others, especially in those homes of terrorists. He's got financial assets that are extremely valuable to anyone who wants to wage a war. He's plastered himself on television every chance he gets, so he's become the Charlton Heston of terrorism (damn dirty Americans). He is a key figure in the sense that he represents a dramatic blow to the concept of terrorism. Catching him dispels the myth that terrorists cannot be caught.

Personally, I would rather he be caught alive and sentanced to death. If we kept him alive indefinitely, he could become the defacto terrorist demand ("...and release Osama or else"), but it would be fitting, especially given his worldview. Of course, given his beliefs, it would be pretty cool if the person in charge of throwing the switch walked up and whispered "This is my duty to kill you. If I understand this correctly, you're about to become my bitch in the afterlife. See you later".

Here is a thought for you - If the current momentum stays true, Osama Bin Laden can be directly attributable to the fall of the Taliban regime. One man, or at least a small group, have been able to do something that hasn't been possible for centuries, a war in Afghanistan that has been won (won by the Northern Alliance in this case). I'll bet the Soviets will be pissed.


PSN: Rostam_
May 1, 2001
Leiden, Holland
another thread about this ****..

anyway, its over peeps, its all over. After losing alot of ground in the middle-east, america has finally found a new place --> Afghanistan, they have put all kind of stuff there to make sure the middle-east stays down.... mission succes, objective completed, over and out


Tama-chan says, "aurf aurf aurf!"
Oct 19, 2000
Indiana. Kill me please.
The Taliban regime hasn't fallen. It has changed tactics. There recent actions perfectly match a guerrilla war, much like the Chinese waged on the Japanese. Force the opposition to spread over too large an area, then kill the weakened enemy.


Aug 25, 2001
New Jersey, U.S.A.
Originally posted by RogueLeader

Conquoring countries is our way of doing it.

OMG I go out for the day and come back and theres more crap on this thread than I can even waste my time to answer. I will start with my favorite commy rogueleader. Umm... since when was Vietnam made the 51st state? Since when was Iraq made the 51st state? Since when was Somalia? Bosnia? Panama? Grenada? North Korea? Afghanistan? If my memory serves me right the last time this country took and conquered any other country by force was over 100 years ago... Soviets? Damned I will be if the 13 countrys that were subjugated to them didnt call that a conquering! The US returned the countrys liberated during WW2 to the Euros. The Soviets did NOT.

The Taliban regime hasn't fallen. It has changed tactics. There recent actions perfectly match a guerrilla war, much like the Chinese waged on the Japanese. Force the opposition to spread over too large an area, then kill the weakened enemy.

Now for your next "pearl of wisdom." The Taliban have abandoned all the major citys in Afghanistan. They now no longer force there will on a terrorized populace. Woman shed there burkas. Men shaved there beards. TVs are brought out. Do you really think anyone in there right mind besides the little Taliban left who hasnt defected is going to help them return a regime like that? Guerilla war? With Mullah Omar and WHAT army? Spread the enemy out? Ummmm... if the US deployed its entire army in Afghanistan there wouldnt be any space to fit anything else! The US armed forces number over 1,000,000 soldiers not to mention the ally euros soldiers. You communists and other socialists are just upset because you thought this attack was going to turn into a chain reaction that would lead to either the US being disbanded OR the world turning on us. There is no way in hell the Taliban can win. Period. The Soviets got spanked because they were fighting a united Afghany people who were fighting foreign conquerers. Not liberators.

I really appreciate how you accuse me of being childish and insulting, yet throw your kindergarten-esque insults at me.

Donnelizer... what part of what I said was kindergarten? :rolleyes: I would like to know what country you come from that considers anythign I said offending...

Why not start by rearranging foreign policy to not **** everyone else over, and then no one would attack us in the first place?

I hear this alot. But no one ever says HOW we **** anyone over? Examples please? Oh is it the Billions of dollers we give out every year? Maybe we dont give it to a communist regime so that bothers you.... hmm. Or maybe all Americans should work our asses off so we can give out even more billions of dollers out to help people. My fellow countrymen do more than anybody in this world to help people. Dont give me that crap. Ever hear of peace corp? Salvation army? Need I go on? Not to mention BILLIONS of $$$ we probobly give whatever land you call home! So give me examples how we **** people over! Please! Am I saying we dont have some personel interests in certain parts of the world? Of course we do its necessary to continue our growth. But ill be damned if we dont do more good than bad.

Yes, I'm sure terrorist's are shaking in their boots... We sure delivered a "spanking". What you fail to realize, is that a show of force (or a "spanking as you call it) has always resulted in a similar attack on ourselves. Violence begets violence. History teaches us so.

Ummm we got more attacks by NOT doing anything. hello!? Ever hear of WTC attack number one in 1994? Ever hear of the embassy bombings ? The USS Cole? What did we do there to retaliate? Almost NOTHING! What did it get us? 4000 dead and 2 major landmarks destroyed not to mention a nation tramutized. **** not doing anything. History repeats itself is a saying. History is made. Not repeated. Terrorists will only stop there attacks when there demands are met. And when you meet there demands they will demand more. There is no negotiation. You smash them no matter what the cost. No matter what the sacrifice. If I lost more countrymen FINE! I dont care. If I DIE fine! Kill me! BUT I will not sit back and wait for more attacks. No sir! There is no way in hell a bunch of midieval warriors are going to take out 286 million people when even Hitlers mighty army could only do in 6 million defenseless jews! *END RANT* AND OUT! :mad:


New Member
Apr 1, 2001
Originally posted by {GD}NTKB

and other unbiased sources...

I'm starting to get really annoyed at these conversations, everybody says the US does such horific deeds, and as soon as somebody defends the US you shoot them down and say they don't have an open mind, or that they get their information from the wrong sources, but you have no idea what's true or false, unless you've seen all this with your own eyes, what if CNN IS telling the truth and your "unbiased" sources are really communist organizations trying to turn americans against America.

You say "use an open mind" but then you only take the left side.

I don't know if the US is as bad as you say they are, but I do know that they are only human, and even if they are a horrible as you say, all the other countries could be just as bad, or even worse.
Originally posted by Goat ****er
Osama is the finantial pawn in that chess game, thats pretty much all he is, he pays for stuff to happen, he's not carrying it out himself, or even taking any big part in planning them, he's just the guy with the big wallet that Clinton put the blame on.

Ohh and another thing, if you yanks kill Osama without a fair trial, or in a carefully doccumented shootout, with him allso shooting back, the world is going to look at you as a monster, just thought you should know that before you spew more inane hatred.

Every action has an opposite reaction, everything has consquences.


have you noticed they US can do anything they damn will please and leave smelling like daisys?? :D

Microsoft and the US are so simular I think they should team up!

(this joke brought to you by blood-a-lizer the protien cola)
Originally posted by BIG_MONKEY_JR

I'm starting to get really annoyed at these conversations, everybody says the US does such horific deeds, and as soon as somebody defends the US you shoot them down and say they don't have an open mind, or that they get their information from the wrong sources, but you have no idea what's true or false, unless you've seen all this with your own eyes, what if CNN IS telling the truth and your "unbiased" sources are really communist organizations trying to turn americans against America.

You say "use an open mind" but then you only take the left side.

I don't know if the US is as bad as you say they are, but I do know that they are only human, and even if they are a horrible as you say, all the other countries could be just as bad, or even worse.

What most people don't understand is that ALL sources are always biased. Always.


Active Member
Apr 30, 2000
Originally posted by {GD}NTKB

I hear this alot. But no one ever says HOW we **** anyone over? Examples please? Oh is it the Billions of dollers we give out every year? Maybe we dont give it to a communist regime so that bothers you.... hmm. Or maybe all Americans should work our asses off so we can give out even more billions of dollers out to help people. My fellow countrymen do more than anybody in this world to help people. Dont give me that crap. Ever hear of peace corp? Salvation army? Need I go on? Not to mention BILLIONS of $$$ we probobly give whatever land you call home! So give me examples how we **** people over! Please! Am I saying we dont have some personel interests in certain parts of the world? Of course we do its necessary to continue our growth. But ill be damned if we dont do more good than bad.

I really hate close minded f<u></u>ucks like you. You wanna know how you f<u></u>uck people over? Fine. But I'm not gonna write out the 150 pages of times you've ****ed people. Noam Chomsky's already done it, so read on, Mr. Red White & Brainwashed. (And since I know you're the intellectual equivalent of a festering bag of horse s<u></u>hit, Noam Chomsky is American, so don't try and pull any of that "stupid russian commies just make stuff up" crap.)

What Uncle Sam Really Wants

Ummm we got more attacks by NOT doing anything. hello!? Ever hear of WTC attack number one in 1994? Ever hear of the embassy bombings ? The USS Cole? What did we do there to retaliate? Almost NOTHING! What did it get us? 4000 dead and 2 major landmarks destroyed not to mention a nation tramutized. **** not doing anything. History repeats itself is a saying. History is made. Not repeated. Terrorists will only stop there attacks when there demands are met. And when you meet there demands they will demand more. There is no negotiation. You smash them no matter what the cost. No matter what the sacrifice. If I lost more countrymen FINE! I dont care. If I DIE fine! Kill me! BUT I will not sit back and wait for more attacks. No sir! There is no way in hell a bunch of midieval warriors are going to take out 286 million people when even Hitlers mighty army could only do in 6 million defenseless jews!

All of the attacks you mention were provoked. (Surprise Surprise). You've REALLY gotta put down the newspaper, turn off the TV, and start getting your news from placed like indymedia.org.

The "terrorists" demand's are REALLY REALLY simple. They can be summarized to one english sentence; "leave us the f<u></u>uck alone".

Fulfilling their demands won't cause any detriment to the USA, except for the fact that (pay attention now, I'll write it in bold so you don't miss it) The US will eventaully loose the little grasp that it has on the middle east, and therefore oil will be more expensive. If ever there was proof of american stupidity, this is it.

Yank: "We need oil, we need it from the middle east"
Yank2: It's exepsnive, and they dont like us much... how should we solve this?
Yank: Carpet Bomb.
Yank2: Great idea!

I'm still dumbfounded by the sheer stupidity of your post. Seriously, you're by far the biggest dips<u></u>hit since DjLethal. That said, being a hydrcephallic retard doesn't deny you the right to give us all a piece of your mind, though you should ensure that you save some for yourself. Maybe you should actually try to educate yourself a little (only takes a couple of hours). Regurgitating what you saw on CNN, Fox, ABC or NBC won't get you far.

Even the most true blue yanks here (I'm looking at you Zündfolge ;)) can admit that the US has f<u></u>ucked up severely in the past.
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reminds me of the Anime EVA...

the orginization of NERV had the power to save and change the world... but its biggest flaw was its own people :hmm:

The US not a flawless nations. our hands are just as bloody as the next nations.

a man who thinks otherwise is a fool.

oh and Jaunty its easy to rank on the US since your a non resident ;)

any flaws in the land down under, besides the use of AUGs?? :D


Active Member
Apr 30, 2000
Mate, don't even start me on the Aussie government. The forums would have to be closed down due to the sudden input of over one billion pages of text.

Welcome to Australia, the 51st state of the USA.


It's Suntory Time!
Mar 11, 2001
And here is where I disagree with Jaunty. The world doesn't become a happy place where every country gives it neighbors blowjobs every other day. If the UN as well as the US didn't 'interfere', things could actually be *gasp* worse. A harsh reality is that the rest of the world could come to the conclusion that they want our country, and could bring the resources to do it. It is therefore in our own best interests to shape the world so that it doesn't happen. Sorry if you disagree, but we're just watching our backs.

BTW, just because indymedia states that they aren't influenced by corporate or commecial sources doesn't make them impartial. They're just as biased, just in different ways. The only way to get unbiased news is to gather statistics and make your own conclusions, and not resort to websites that publish :
Life in the UK is no different today, than it was before September the 11th, yet we have woken up in a Police State,

Sorry, but you're just reciting the same bullshit being fed you as we recite from our own bullshit sources. Neither of us is right, because we're still resorting to other people to germinate our beliefs.


Active Member
Apr 30, 2000
To be honest, I haven't logged onto indymedia.org for a good month or so now. Fact of the matter is, no matter which way they swing, they're less biased than any of the mainstream news sites/stations/papers.


It's Suntory Time!
Mar 11, 2001
I just don't think they're less biased, just less biased towards corporate and commercial culture.