Operation Flashpoint 2 Dragon Rising

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New Member
Jul 15, 2005
ArmA2 has a ton of texture swapping and all the calculations it makes are very cpu intensive. I have a laptop that can run most modern games at max or high settings and for ArmA2 I have to turn it to low or medium since my dual core isn't the fastest. ArmA2 also doesn't use all cores that efficiently either from what I've read. I wish it could run better since it's done well in large scale battles.

tomcat ha

Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2002
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Feb 27, 2008
Ramat Hasharon, Israel
Beppo, is that a list of things that will be done properly in GB? :drool: Anyway you forgot to mention major clipping issues (try having your buddy go prone while facing a solid wooden fence, his head and weapon will cross to the other side). Also it is very hard to see distant enemies that you would have easily seen IRL or even in Arma 2.

They don't simulate proper dry/tactical reloads at all. Reloads are pretty much like BF2 (as far as I recall).

Why people like this game so much? I guess because it is a lot better than many other games. Pretty much the same reason I play Arma 2 regardless of it being pretty much a beta that will never get to release state. I too wish they would focus more on infantry and forget about vehicles and aircraft until they got it right, but then I suppose they won't have much chance of selling any copies. Some people actually log in to servers and do nothing but transport troops with a helicopter back and forth, and most missions put you in a heavy AT situation in order for the mission to actually be challenging, because like in most games 1 player is as good as many AI soldiers.

I've noticed Arma 2 doesn't really use the 4th core much but it most definitely uses 3 of my i7 cores reasonably well. It's funny it seems that due to some poor programming or something the game is very hard-drive dependent. People trying to run it from a ramdisk had great performance increases.

I wouldn't try to run this game on anything less than 8800GT and 2.5~3GHz dual core, and even then I wouldn't expect amazing graphics (but you can enjoy the gameplay). My I7-920 and HD4890 I think would've been running this on max if it wasn't for the hard-drive issues that will hopefully get fixed (some say it was fixed in Arma 1 too in one of the last patches). In fact I was running it on max until I noticed that in the large city I get stutters if I turn around too fast (which as far as I understand are actually caused by the game loading stuff from the hard drive over and over instead of letting windows cache the files).

What's really sad is, not only nobody cares about making realistic games because unrealistic games sell just fine even if they market as a "realistic game", they don't even seem to care about making good games anymore because bad games or games with critical features missing sell just fine too, so why bother making something good? After all, it will cost more, and selling it for more to make up for it will probably not be feasible no matter how good it is. Us crazy gamers might pay for that truly awesome game, at least until we realize we don't have anyone to play it with because nobody else bought it.
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tomcat ha

Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2002
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Its not really poor programming as they have all the content streaming from the hd, however it does seem that arma 2 doesnt use allot of ram. Apparently 1gb about the average max.

I can run it fine on medium settings with me e6420 plus a hd4870.


New Member
Feb 27, 2008
Ramat Hasharon, Israel
The problem is it goes to the hard-drive so much that it's causing stutters, and it's a fact people putting the entire game on their RAM with a ramdisk have significantly improved performance. Of course this doesn't seem to be a big deal on lower settings.

tomcat ha

Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2002
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Yes, but to effectively elimate all this stuttering you would force everyone to get 4gb of ram at least, they however should have improved its ram useage.(making it use more if enough is available)


TC Vet
Dec 23, 2003
Don't get me started. The game sucks, sucks, sucks.

And I'm being generous. If you want some real ranting, go on the CodeMasters forums, and look at some real hate. :D Seems a lot of people want their money back. :lol:
Apr 2, 2001
Frankfurt/ Germany
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Yet another hope for a new military simulation spoiled :(

I already gave up trying to find a comfortable key setup. I bought it slightly after release and was hoping for some serious refinement with additional patches.

But it seems way too broken to ever become what I was hoping for... Good I didn't even register for online gaming - I can just re-sell on ebay ;)

What's the current status of Ground Branch? Any release announcements already?

Edit: Ops I just realised this is about Flashpoint 2, I was refering to ArmA II which sucks as well
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TC Vet
Dec 23, 2003
Yep, I've played em all. I think the only one that even comes close to fun and somewhat real is Crysis. That is if you ignore the nanosuits. :p

Infiltration is still one of the best games I've ever played. It, plus Urban Terror and True Combat.

All the new games just suck. Arma Sucks, OFP2 sucks, all the mods suck, nothing comes close to the good old days. Inf, UrT, and TC just had it right.
I think only a good mod for Crysis can beat them. I had my hopes up on Obsidian Edge, but Crytek doesn't seem to care about modders, and so they are dead. I think all the game developers with some imagination have died off.
So we are left with ugly brown hills and grass, a few small (closed) huts and 5 FPS play.

Back to the old games. At least they play better now on our faster computers!
YP Many players says thet infiltration is the best game they have playes.I dont understand why you do not play then.

I am saying thet infiltration is the best game i ever played hmmm but i stopet few years ago becouse servers was ampty.

Come back all of you! :D

I would like to thanks all who have helped that the game created especially thanks to Bepo.


Feb 16, 2001
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ARMA2 is good enough for now. Performance, mission stuff and AI have been improved with the latest beta patches. There's beta patches every week so the dev's are working dedicated on their product. That's a welcome factor too.

The dev's have been made aware of the faults concerning memory handling, streaming and CPU threads(?). So who knows, they might fix all that too a some point.

Still Beppo should save us from these games and make something better.
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New Member
Jul 15, 2005
The A.C.E. 2 mod is going to make it all a little more interesting.

Yeah I can't wait for it.

I find it amusing that we're talking about ArmA2 in the OF: DR thread :p.

I tried out the DR demo and it's pretty terrible like everyone said. I hate the low FOV with the huge gun bobbing up and down into my eye awkwardly. It also makes it really difficult to spot guys that are right next to you. Another annoyance is that you can't command or switch weapons while moving. You come to a complete stop. And the ai is pretty dull.