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Комиссар Гробут
Oct 27, 2004
Soviet Denmark
I've never had the game crash on me, apart for the times when mod installation was faulty (aka my fault) or the mod was buggy (Breach in Prometheusv2 :p). Otherwise, it has been running smoothly even from beta 1 (Release date).
However there remains some hilarious bugs with physics :D (Death by statue :con:)

Yeah, no, the "it works for me, so it must be fine" thing just doesen't fly, remember the PC release of GTA4? yup same kind of issues there, most people could play it, many others reported crashes.

UT3 is incompatible with a lot of systems out there, mine's one of them, but i am far from alone as i have seen plenty of angry posters discussing it on Epic's own forums, and elsewhere on the net, hell a few days ago UnknownTarget (i belive it was him) posted that they tried running UT3 at a LAN when the TP came out, and a bunch of the attending players kept getting crashes, and indeed, it has been dogging UT3 since release, and Epic has been ignoring it for as long, even going so far that they have deleted posts about the issue from their forums on many occations that i myself have witnessed.

I have even found a fix for it, and it's an odd one.. my system has 4 gigs of ram, but if i remove 2 sticks from it so im left with only 2 gigs, it stops crashing!
Great, only.. who the hell wants to do that every time they want to play one of their games? and with only 2 gigs in the system, UT3 runs like garbage (i can get good frames with the full 4 gigs in there, around 80fps with lows never going below 35, for the couple of minutes it lasts before a crash, but with 2 gigs the frames are allmost cut in half, highs of 50 and lows dropping below 30, and there's a lot of hitching, it's not enjoyable at all), and yes, the RAM i'm using is recommended for my Mobo, and also in the confuguration im using, and works flawlessly with everything else i play (including other UE3 engine games such as Bioshock), it's not my hardware that's on the fritz, it's UT3 that is too poorly coded to work well with a broad spectrum of hardware (hell it wont even work propperly with high end X-Fi cards, and it barely worked with any ATI cards at all when it came out, and even today, it has serious problems with many of Nvidia's drivers).


20% Cooler
Jun 6, 2008
Never said everyone else was lying when they said it crashed :p
I know it's not true. I was just recounting my personal experience with the game. ;)


Killer Fools Pro
Staff member
Nov 8, 2000
Yeah, the only time my game has crashed is when the computer itself locked up. It may happen once a month or even longer times before it crashes but it's usually not the games fault when it does happen.


New Member
Apr 9, 2008
I own the 3 versions and only the PC version is decent.
Epic Games screwed up the only real hardcore game (no crouch and huge amount of auto-aim) out there for Consoles and Microsoft didn't allow them to start the first real Era for Legit Mods on the 360.

It's totally lame and sad.
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