Morbias was already remade... :\
I got it Arnox. Thanks! I'll get it on my server later tonight hopefully.
DM-Kothoga and DM-Daethfan will both be added onto my server tonight! Thanks folks. I have a good feeling that DM-Fith for UT2004 is about to make an appearance. Keep them coming folks! I like the well lit maps! DM-Kothoga is looking pretty good. Thanks!
Talking about Malevolence... there are a lot of maps: on MapRaider.
Anyway, only a thing about DeathFan map: there isn't the texture of green lasers ;| but I don't care ;D
EDIT: Arnox, sorry for the insistence, but can you make a porting of FITH? I see you can use UT3Converter well.