Official Minecraft Thread

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The Great Oppression
Mar 19, 2006
Right behind you.
SMP damage is going to be added this coming week!

The few hours I’ve been able to work today, I tried getting SMP Health as complete as possible. It will be released early next week.

Here’s the status:

* Send attack network data: DONE
* Add the ability to attack other entities: DONE
* Implement falling damage: NOT STARTED
* Implement respawning for dead players: PARTIALLY DONE (there are bugs with the player keeping the current location in some circumstances instead )
* Make eating food regenerate health: DONE
* Send health updates to the players: DONE

The “attack entities” code is done on a general level, so you can hurt animals, monsters, boats, carts and even other players.

There are a couple of other tweaks in the next update as well:

* Fix leaves. Again: DONE
* Optimize the lighting update slowdowns: STARTED
* Make players riding carts or boats a long way receive terrain updates: DONE
* Fix the block re-spawning bug: NOT STARTED
* Add “pvp” toggle flag to the server settings: NOT STARTED. (Nov. 19th update)


is ironing his panties!
T'is out now :)

The leaves fix was removed though.

I’m expecting bugs on this one, so I’m monitoring the usual channels (irc, twitter, email) extra carefully.

Basically everything I talked about in the last post is done, with some extras such as visible hurt animations (how did I forget that?) and visible fire on burning mobs.

The lighting still isn’t right, I need to rewrite it. I think I know what the problem is now, though. Or rather, I know what ONE problem is. You know when you’re traveling by boat, and you see weird strips of light on the ocean floor in multiplayer? That.

Also needed is visible armor on players and mobs (sheep!), and some tweaks to reduce laggy moving mobs. And bows and arrows.

There are a couple of new settings for the server:
pvp. True by default. If this is set to false, players can’t hurt other players.
spawn-monsters. True by default. Set to false to remove all monsters.
spawn-animals. Also true by default. Set to false to remove all animals.


Wow, that broke the game. Hold on while I try to fix stuff.


I’ve uploaded a new server and a new client, fixing the two major bugs I heard about.
I had to disable leaves decaying again (sorry!) because it caused infinite loops in certain situations.

Keep me posted, and I’ll keep fixing!


The Great Oppression
Mar 19, 2006
Right behind you.
Hi all. Just wanted to update for anyone who plays on my server.

I will not update to the latest server because I am moving Saturday and the server will go down tomorrow. Depending on how slow Time Warner is to transfer my service, I may not have internet for a week, or possibly even longer, but the server will be back soon. On the plus side I'll be living in a proper city with good internet infrastructure, so I should be able to push a 1mbit low-latency outbound connection with no problems.

The dedicated VPS server is still planned, but I have unexpected extra expenses with this move, so it will probably be a couple months before I can get that rolling.

Hope you guys enjoy playing the new update without me. Just goes to figure, the update I've been waiting for finally comes out and I'm too busy moving and working to play :D
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The Great Oppression
Mar 19, 2006
Right behind you.
So... lots new in the world of Minecraft. It went beta on Dec. 20th! Leaves are fixed, and everything works in SMP too.

So how's it been going on your server DarkEd?

Any generated maps?

is the server still up ? I've got the game now. :p

My server is down until further notice. Time Warner is saying that they don't service my new address even though I confirmed that they did before I moved, so I can't get my cable switched over. My only other options are ****ty DSL or (god forbid) Clearwire. So I still don't have any stable internet. I'm using my iPhone 3G as a modem currently, you can probably imagine just how awesome that is (sarcasm.)


New Member
May 23, 2008
It's probably for the better for the time being.

There is speculation that servers running beta can be compromised leading to clients getting their accounts stolen or something in the fetid shathole that is the minecraft forums. Just FYI.


Sep 17, 2004
Does anyone know if, eventually, in future releases the game will have objectives and goals implemented? Right now this game is a sandbox, personally I think the game could be more interesting if there were actual objectives and goals to do, progression and whatnot.