Official Minecraft Thread

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Not From Bloody Starcraft
Jan 23, 2000
Totally Not Korhal IV

Minecraft is an awesome Java-based sandbox game where you are given a large procedurally generated landscape made up of cubes and you're pretty much left to your own devices. You're free to explore the mountains, forests, plains and oceans, or you can go spelunking into caverns, avoiding lava and finding secret treasures. As the name suggests, you can go mining for materials such as stone, coal, iron, which can then be used to craft various tools and building materials. Any cube in the landscape can be dug or mined and be picked up to use in whatever bizarre creations (usually buildings to be fair) that your mind can conjure up.

There is a free creative mode available, which is based on a very early version, but is still reasonably fun, but the real fun can be found if you pay 10 euros and gain access to the survival mode, which brings the game up to date with the latest features. Notch, the creator of Minecraft, is adding new features to the game fairly regularly, as well. Some of the features in survival mode include:

  • Near-infinite landscape generation. The world generates as you go along, and pretty much goes on forever, hard-drive space forbidding.
  • Biomes are being added soon, so the landscape will have different areas with different climates, like snow, desert etc.
  • Minecarts! Construct entire rail/transport systems, or just rollercoaster type stuff for a lark.
  • Use redstone ore as wires to activate doors and lights.
  • Build a boat and go sailing the seas.
  • Monsters that lurk around in caves or at night. Watch out for Creepers, those things will wreck your ****.
Survival mode also includes a multiplayer mode, which is still in early development (some features are missing) but you can still build and have fun. DarkED said he might be setting up a server for survival multiplayer.

Links of interest:
Notch's development blog - Notch's Twitter - Minecraft Wiki

If you're just getting into the game, the wiki has a nice starting out guide here.

Feel free to use this thread to discuss the game and show off your creations or discoveries.

In conclusion, BUY THIS GAME. It is awesome.
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Mar 19, 2002
Denver Co. USA
Visit site
I was thinking about it.
For a while I couldn't help but feel that it is too boring, but the more videos I watch the more I warm up to it.

Unfortunately, I have about 30 games on my plate, and this one would suck all my time away I'm sure.


Not From Bloody Starcraft
Jan 23, 2000
Totally Not Korhal IV
Some stuff I did on the super secret multiplayer server I frequent.








Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
there's no sound :hmm:

oh wait, I guess that will be fixed. and then I'll have to pay.
but a small, one-time fee could be well worth it. this is a great time killer.
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All's Well That Ends Well
Feb 6, 2005
It's such a wonderful idea. A good friend of mine has started a "Lets Play" type series on his YouTube for it. I've yet to be able to get the game to work on my computer, though. Hopefully when the website comes back up, I'll be able to play :tup:


fap fap fap
Jan 20, 2008

So did you just post this because there was a video in the Youtube thread?

How long have you been playing?

I didn't mention this in the other thread, but this game reminds me of blockland, which is a lot better imo for a sandbox building game. I'm already burnt out on on sandbox builders though after playing that one for months.

An element of this game that does seem cool that blockland didn't have is the infinite random world and the caves and monsters or creatures. Doesn't seem implemented that well in this game though, as videos have shown you can just block off monsters with walls you can easily make. Meh.


Not From Bloody Starcraft
Jan 23, 2000
Totally Not Korhal IV
I've been playing this since about January this year, when most people were playing Creative. I was playing it before it was cool omg!!! I decided to make a thread because people in IRC have started playing it, and since there was no specific thread for it I thought I'd make one.

Yeah monsters can be fairly easy to beat, but that doesn't really detract from the game for me. There's so much more stuff to the game other than monsters.


The Great Oppression
Mar 19, 2006
Right behind you.
This game is awesome. I've been playing it all through the free weekend and I will definitely buy it this week. It took me about ten minutes to understand how everything worked but once I did I was hooked.

EDIT: Some screenshots of stuff I've been doing.


^My Minecraft dude rocking Isaac Clarke's RIG :D



^Casa del DarkED. The big smokestack for the fireplace doubles as a beacon in case I get lost at night.


^Lower floor -- Workshop/storage and the entrance to my main shaft




^Upper floor -- Living area. Fireplace, bed, skylights, bookshelves. Pool and balcony coming soon :D

DarkED said he might be setting up a server for survival multiplayer.

Yeah, that's the plan. I'm gonna do it as soon as the auth servers are back up and I can buy the game. I think it would be a good time for all involved and my server is powerful enough to run a dedicated... so why not?

Made this before I got the alpha:



It's such a wonderful idea. A good friend of mine has started a "Lets Play" type series on his YouTube for it. I've yet to be able to get the game to work on my computer, though. Hopefully when the website comes back up, I'll be able to play :tup:

Make sure Java is installed, try re-installing it just for kicks. Since the auth servers are currently down, just leave the login fields blank and click 'login.' The game should automatically update and then work normally. Make sure you download the latest Minecraft.exe from the 'temporary' Minecraft site before trying.

... Doesn't seem implemented that well in this game though, as videos have shown you can just block off monsters with walls you can easily make. Meh.

Eh. Sure, you can do that, but beyond shelter there's no good reason to. That's part of survival mode -- building yourself a shelter so you can hide from the monsters during the night. But when mining you often can't wall off monsters effectively, except as a temporary solution, for two reasons: The first is that you will probably be in a space that is way too open to do this effectively if you're going spelunking in caverns. The second is, if you want to wall-off a shaft to keep a monster in you can, but then you have to take the wall down anyway to go into that shaft later on. So it's better to just kill the monsters. That's what I do.
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Das Protoss
Aug 3, 2005
Minecraft is a lot of fun, though I'm waiting for some more updates. It gets boring pretty quickly when Notch is not adding stuff regularly.


she touch your penis?
Jan 7, 2002
london, uk
This games pretty sweet so far, except that as a newbie this day night cycle is unbelievably annoying, i spend the day searching for coal without any luck, then night comes within ten seconds, and i have to sprint back to a house and sit in it until the light comes up again.
Then every few days i open my door in the morning to a creeper explosion right in the face and have to waste a day rebuilding.


Das Protoss
Aug 3, 2005
This games pretty sweet so far, except that as a newbie this day night cycle is unbelievably annoying, i spend the day searching for coal without any luck, then night comes within ten seconds, and i have to sprint back to a house and sit in it until the light comes up again.
Then every few days i open my door in the morning to a creeper explosion right in the face and have to waste a day rebuilding.

You are bad at Minecraft.