No Keyboard/Mouse = Bad Gameplay?

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New Member
Nov 16, 2004
If mad catz hadnt cancelled its version of the panther xl that was to come out for the xbox a couple years ago every fps released on that console from the first Halo till now would have benefited from it... :rolleyes:

Renegade Retard

Defender of the newbie
Dec 18, 2002
Visit site
Even if you do use a keyboard and mouse for XBox, it would be limited. You can't turn your point of view on the XBox like you can on a PC. The turn speed is limited to as fast as the controller can turn it. So, if you're thinking that you'd be able to make the quick, reflex movements with a mouse, then you're wrong.

Having said that, the controls for Halo2 are pretty tight. It took me about 10 minutes to get used to the controls. Acutally, I'm more precise in Halo2 than I am in UT2k4. If you play me in UT2k4, you know I'm a spammer because I can't hit a think with hitscan. In Halo2 on the other hand, sniping is by far my strengths. I can hit running, jumping, or close range head shots all the time (granted, some of this is due to the slower game speed).


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
yah Halo controls are awesome. I hope that UC2 has closer to Halo control schemes than UC1 did.


BuFs #1 mom
Oct 31, 2001
Up my ass
The keyboard/mouse combo is the best for playing a first person or 3rd person game. Plain and simple. But I have never had aiming or movement problems with a FPS or 3rd person game on the Xbox. It is perfectly doable and to me anyways feels natural and I can get good enough to where I am almost as good as I am with a keyboard/mouse.