We will never get another FPS from epic with editor and mod support.
My thoughts exactly. As one of the only AAA title producing companies I still have a little respect for, Epic will no long have my support if this becomes true.
I will never buy their games again.
I will never again tell everyone how awesome ue4 is.
I will never acknowledge anything they promise.
I am so sick of this microtransaction/DLC bs lately. Epic, the company that threw the "make something unreal contest," about to go full retard and and keep everything in-house. EA did it, 2kGames did it, Valve did it, Activision did it, Square Enix did it, IGP did it, Gaijin did it, Ubisoft did it, thus I guess they think it's about time they did, too.
There are enough idiots in the gaming marketplace now that it has become a total
sellers market, with almost no say involving game content, pricing, etc. Only indie game companies succumb to the will of the players.
Who is with me on starting a Gamers' Union!?