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Can't stop the bum rush.
Sep 23, 2001
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Bear in mind that Inf was one of the first major mods for Unreal, which at the time was itself groundbreaking. Heck at that time I was still using a Pentium Pro 200MHz and had to run Unreal at 400x300, and even at that it was way better looking than any other FPS of the time. UT2007 will be the same - you won't need the latest and greatest machine to run and enjoy it.

I remember first seeing Unreal on my friends MONSTER 300Mhz with a voodoo card.

Seeing the enemies dodge and hide behind crates and take alternate roots and what not.. it gave me goose bumps. And the graphics.

in fact, most people did buy new video cards and/or games since UT was released in 1999.

Come to think of it All of my upgrades have more or less coencided with UT realeases.

My first rig that I bought I bought specfically to play tac ops lol. Then I found INF

The second rig i bought in response to UT2k4

And now with UT 2007 on the way, I'm planning a new upgrade. Let's see if I can keep the tradition alive.


New Member
Dec 15, 2005
you suck.. :p

ive got a radeon 8500 graphics card and a 37.2 gb hard drive... i NEED an upgrade...


TC Vet
Dec 23, 2003
lol, you suck!

I've got a 500 mhz chinese/korean something clone with an AMD CPU and a Voodoo 3000 graphics card. All running with 28k internet.

So, I'm waiting to see what the INF team, or whoever decides to take up programming the game, is going to do. Then I plan an upgrade, maybe.

You'd be suprised at how little computing power you need to run some of these games.

INF still runs pretty decent on my computer. Even Quake III kind of makes it online at about 10 - 20 fps average.


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
what's so funny about 20 fps? Movies are only 24 fps, tv 29.9 fps :rolleyes:

There is no need to achieve 128 fps, unless you play on some fucked up engine like quake 3.

I usually always force it to top at 30 fps to reduce unecessary load on the video card and cooling system. Beyond that, your eyes do not see the difference.

10-20 FPS is a bit low for Q3, especially on a system to play INF which, usually, requires more video and computing power the Quake 3. Quake 3 and UT are pretty much two engines of the same generation. Both release in 1999 IIRC. Quake might be even a bit older then UT. Still, nothing to get all funny on ;)


Reason & Logic > Religion
geo; for monitors, you can tell a big difference. I can tell the difference between 60fps and 30fps in PC games (actually, I can tell the difference between 120 and 60fps on my computer) and also on console games on my TV. Having said all that, I prefer a stable frame-rate to a jumpy one.

The reason why films get away with 24fps is because of motion blur, and because the refresh rate on your TV isn't the same as your monitor.


New Member
Dec 15, 2005
10 - 20 fps isnt very high geo. i havent checked how high mine runs on inf but im sure it is over 10 fps. i get higher than 10 fps when playing halo. im just happy to know i am not the only one who needs a pretty good upgrade.


Can't stop the bum rush.
Sep 23, 2001
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I've got a 500 mhz chinese/korean something clone with an AMD CPU and a Voodoo 3000 graphics card. All running with 28k internet.

That was my first box except it was 733 intel p3. Bargain boxes are dirt cheap and they get the job done. But they dont give you enough slots to upgrade not to mention who knows if the board is compatible with anything.

lol hadmar. Maybe it's because I have a crappy LCD that makes nice motion blur :p

Consider it a good thing that you're not affected by FPS. I used to play Quake 2 on 10 fps and I thought it was the shiznit. Then along comes my friend playing UT99 at 120 FPS on his monster box and I haven't been able to stand anything under 20 FPS since. If I wasn't so picky now, I would be content playing a lot more games on my current machine.
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New Member
Apr 20, 2002
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It depends on what the refresh rate of your monitor is. If a crappy old LCD it may not be more than 60. Even with new CRTs you likely won't go beyond 90 at higher rez. The only reason I can see for anyhting higher than the refresh rate would to be make sure if it ever drops you won't notice it. (Yes human eyes can tell the difference between 30fps and 120fps, whether anything is going on at that time, in the game is another matter.)