New Candidate for INF engine

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Can't stop the bum rush.
Sep 23, 2001
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WAYYYYYY to early to call it but the promo video Far Cry 2 Crysis is extremely impressive.

If I remember correctly Far Cry's SDK sucked nutters so lets no get our hopes up but if this is the direction games are taking we may very well see a bigger badder INF. Personally I don't think INfs future lies in vehicles but in immersive squad combat. With terrain like that, I think INF could rise again.


Active Member
Jun 12, 2001
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It looks extremely impressive, but what counts is it's modability. If the game (Crysis) is getting "locked" like EA and Dice did with BF2 in order to prevent others to create anything except a new "skin" to the game, then it's a lost cause. Dice and EA are only interested in milking the game for every drop while they can by releasing "booster packs" and "expansion packs", which is nothing more than a few new weapons and , if the community is lucky, a few new maps and vehicles. And of course, they want money for something a community could easily create, had they been given the opportunity.

But yes, it's certainly worth taking a look at when the time comes.


Eternally noob
Dec 4, 2003
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I know that it is way to early to say anything about it, but I have wondered a lot about Hellgate:London. While it looks to be Diablo in a FPS, the thought of random maps seem extremely appealing to me. It would be taking the steps of DTAS and the advanced EAS maps to a new level. This seems far more important to me than pretty graphics. In the past, the Diablo games where modded, and Flagship is mainly consisting of the Diablo crew.



Reason & Logic > Religion
What about Red Orchestra? Apparently the mod tools for the retail version will be released soon, and they'll be similiar to the UT2K4 editor. Inertia, weapon sway, leaning, prone and other features of realism mods/games is already in, so that'd save a bit of work (obviously they'd be tweaked as needed).


New Member
Jan 7, 2003
OICW said:
What about Red Orchestra? Apparently the mod tools for the retail version will be released soon, and they'll be similiar to the UT2K4 editor. Inertia, weapon sway, leaning, prone and other features of realism mods/games is already in, so that'd save a bit of work (obviously they'd be tweaked as needed).
Have you played Red Orchestra? I haven't played the latest version, but I am sure it still lacks a movement system that is remotely realistic. There is still lots of strafing back and forth while spraying full auto with a hipped smg.

Not only that but:
The prone in RO is terrible
there is no inertia
the weapon sway is poorly done
The FOG my god the fog
INF team already looked hard at the UT2k4 engine and passed on it.


Reason & Logic > Religion
The retail version has inertia from what I've been told, and from the videos I've seen. Also, the developers changed/tweaked the sound system, collision detection and other things that they couldn't do in the UT2K4 mod, since they now have the engine license.


Pls don´t shoot to the Asha´man
Oct 9, 2002
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It seems like Crytek will release a pre-SDK for some modders.

"We would like to officially announce Navy SEALs : Covert War. It is one of two chosen Crysis modifications which will work with a pre-SDK. The goal is to release a quality mod that is ready as soon as Crysis hits the street.

This mod won't [be] the only one which gets a pre-SDK. will soon announce another multiplayer modification. In addition Crytek is also in contact with other teams as well if they are available or interested." --> Read the first two news.

About the engine, one of the things i loved to hear was: "Crysis will introduce concepts such as bendable and destructible foliage..." :D :D


Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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Isn't that DX10? Indeed, that is waaaay too early.

I'm starting to think (good) TC mods just aren't viable anymore. The artwork requirements alone of these ultramodern engines would completely drown a team.


Can't stop the bum rush.
Sep 23, 2001
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Optional. DX9 and DX10 support.

Isn't that not a good thing meaning that some of the advanced features of the eye candy can't be standard so you're going to end up with a Doom style cookie cutter gameplay with Beautiful graphics? If people are forced to have cards good enough to handle the advanced features it means they can implement them in the gameplay rather than having them simply pretty up a dusty old gamestlye.


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
Well, you will have to live with this reality. The only way to achieve such high level of graphical detail is through the GPU. Of course, it then becomes very GPU dependant.

"Crysis will introduce concepts such as bendable and destructible foliage..."

Machete anyone? :p

and at this point (we are in 2006 for those who already forgot), going with UT2004 would be a bad move in my opinion. Within 4 years, it will have a similar status the UT now has... Give that it would take 2 to 4 years to release a new version of INF, this would be such a waste.

I still think the work on a new version of INF should seriously be underway before the selected engine / game is released. There is no other way to achieve reasonable release times allowing to grow a community. If you release when the game is declining, you won't go far.
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New Member
Dec 15, 2005
i dont think inf will go past UT. newer games require newer computers, which requires money. most people dont have alot of money to even get new games. i doubt many people will even get newer games like this until the gfx cards and crap go down in price.


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Jun 12, 2001
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Clutch, don't do a Bill Gates, who once said 64K (or something like that) computers would be more than enough for the "common user" ;) People have tried to predict the future of computers and its users before and failed. There will always be people willing and able to pay to play. A few examples are both UT2004 and Battlefield 2. When the first screenshots and videos appeared, people were yelling about the computers needed to run the games. The rest is, as they say, history.
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Can't stop the bum rush.
Sep 23, 2001
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And you be surprised just how little an upgrade it takes to play these games. Sure NOW it's ridiculous. But a year or two after it's release it won't be so impossible. And many of us, like myself, are due for an upgrade. Although my fundage doesn't support it, once I get my raise I'm gonna start saving for it.


New Member
Dec 15, 2005
brief answers:

to geo: why? because you can afford it and i cant?
to almost: "common user" does not mean gamer.
to chuckus: and in a year or two, when new games are out that look even better and require more, what will you do then?

anyway, there are things i would rather spend my money on than computer upgrades. i've got a lot i want to get. sure, new radeon x1900 and maybe a 200gb hard drive would be nice if i had $1000 to throw away. but i dont, besides, i need a good AEG for airsoft. :)


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
why? because you can afford it and i cant?

No, but because you assert that INF won't go past UT because you can't afford it moving on. Because you say that most people won't be able to get new games and new video cards when, in fact, most people did buy new video cards and/or games since UT was released in 1999.

"common user" does not mean gamer.

Also you'd be surprised how many "common user" do play games on their computer, what ever the type is. You don't have to be a no-life caricature to be gamer. And nowadays, the "common user" even if you include office workers in that, need much more then what Bill Gates mentionned... ironically enough in large part due to Windows XP and Office. Way to go!

In two years computers will be much more powerful, gigabytes of RAM will be much more affordable and Hard Disk space will be lower then .25 Euro per Gigabyte. What will games do then?


Bird Brain
Feb 6, 2002
Cambridgeshire, UK
Bear in mind that Inf was one of the first major mods for Unreal, which at the time was itself groundbreaking. Heck at that time I was still using a Pentium Pro 200MHz and had to run Unreal at 400x300, and even at that it was way better looking than any other FPS of the time. UT2007 will be the same - you won't need the latest and greatest machine to run and enjoy it.


New Member
Dec 15, 2005
no, geo, do not be so narrow minded and get all offended. i said i dont think if will go past ut because of how many people out of the thousands still playing ut99, are playing inf. i never said that was enough, dont act like i said it.

just because i dont think it will go past, does not mean i dont want it to. until i see updates or news that they are working on another one, i will still think it will not go past ut.