This was part of Counter-strike for a version or two. As far as I can recall, its been a while since I touched Counter-strike, it was removed again. Allowing the enemy team to hear all the communication seems like a good idea at first glance. But in the end there are some bad sideeffects.
More often than not you don't want the enemy to know your location.. But when reporting in your contact actually makes you a target players may hesitate to report in. Now you may argue that this is somewhat realistic or whatnot, but in terms of gamebalance. Especially in Counter-strike, this was a bad move.
The voice communication found in Infiltration are okay, if somewhat lacking. The best solution is to have multiple "types" of Radio/voice commands. For example Contact might be something one says in the Radio, but when your "hit" by an incoming Grenade I'd say that would hardly be the case. Warning your close team mates take priority over warning your whole team over radio (which isn't really necessary in the first place as they aren't on the recieving end of the grenade)
More often than not you don't want the enemy to know your location.. But when reporting in your contact actually makes you a target players may hesitate to report in. Now you may argue that this is somewhat realistic or whatnot, but in terms of gamebalance. Especially in Counter-strike, this was a bad move.
The voice communication found in Infiltration are okay, if somewhat lacking. The best solution is to have multiple "types" of Radio/voice commands. For example Contact might be something one says in the Radio, but when your "hit" by an incoming Grenade I'd say that would hardly be the case. Warning your close team mates take priority over warning your whole team over radio (which isn't really necessary in the first place as they aren't on the recieving end of the grenade)