Headshots in ut2k4 are easy
I like how the headshot area is very defined in ut2k4. You can't just shoot someone in the chest and get a headshot. The only reason you didn't have to worry about how well the character models were aligned with the hitbox in ut99, inorder to hit a headshot, was because they basically made the headshot area the upper half of the hitbox.
In ut2k4 if you shoot for where the neck is midway through an animation, you get the headshot easy. If people can get good enough to hit headshots consistently it's not random, it's a skill.
Plus if only hitscan weapons are going to have headshot capability, then I don't see a reason to make them more overpowered than they already are.
Make the game for near LAN environment.
If the headshot area is going to be even larger on character models in ut2007, with the fixed player scaling and nerfed movement. They better take the headshot's easiness in account when balancing the hitscan weapon. Headshosts better be just enough to kill someone freshly spawned but no more than that, if they are going to make them insanely easy.
What I'd like to see is headshot capable projectile weapons.
When aiming for the head with a hitscan weapon you really aren't risking anything, but when aiming for the face with a projectile weapon, you are risking something. This also let's people be rewarded for using projectile weapons in a more skillful way than just trying to knock someone around with splash at their feet.
The only reason rockets are still fun to use for a skilled player in ut2k4 is because of the powerful movement system. Without the powerful movement system, firing rockets at other player's feet will be too easy and will be too repetitive and boring for experienced players. Also increased weapon momentum will add more to the rockets and make them feel less boring.