Hmmm... I wouldn't say alot. Technically all militias just assemble to excercise and protect their rights, and help out the community/the local law encorcement/the military in an emergency. If fanatical fringe groups out there that brainwash people and are anti-government (instead of anti-excessive government) call themselves a militia, I won't recognice that status- it is a misnomer. Personally, I haven't heard of any of those fringe groups that could be considered "large", it seems to me all the really big groups that call themselves militias are good ones.
One of the largest is the Missouri 51st militia, who train not only to protect themselves from an invading power or a government seeking to take away their rights, but also train to put out fires, find and rescue lost children in the wilderness, evacuate people from burning buildings, etc. They also kick people out if they going around bragging about knowing how to make bombs, or asking how to make them (they've even reported these people to the FBI)... yet oddly enough they were the ones *falsely* connected to the Oaklahoma City bombing, which pretty much got the ball rolling on the media-induced myth of militias being just a bunch of crazy racist mad-bombers.
Just to get the facts straight and in the open-
1- Timothy McVeigh (sp?) was not part of any militia. He never claimed to be and no militia ever claimed him.
2- The Oaklahoma City bombing could not have even come close to helping the patriot movement in the US. Militias assemble to protect their rights, family, and nation- blowing up buildings is not a part of their goal.
3- Allegations that the leaders of the MO 51st are members of the KKK are utterly false. They have many Jewish members, several black members, and a Bhuddist. They also do not allow members to make racist remarks.
Shot four puppet governors in a line,
Shook all tha world bankers, who think they can rhyme,
Shot the landlords, who knew it was mine,
Yes, its a war from the depth of time!