more Canada info needed...

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New Member
Dec 19, 1999

just want to ask the Canadians some more questions about Canada...

1) I heard that there was an infamous racist bigot in the Senate. Who is this person, what level of support does this person get, against whom is this person racist, and do people generally agree with this person?

2) How common are hate crimes?

3) How is Quebec like for a non-French speaking person? Is it very cold there? (I am an Aussie, and we have summers up to 48 degrees centigrade)

4) How high is the GST?

5) Is it fairly easy to find jobs right now?

thanks a million!

You're male by birth, but a man by choice.


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
1) I heard that there was an infamous racist bigot in the Senate. Who is this person, what level of support does this person get, against whom is this person racist, and do people generally agree with this person?


2) How common are hate crimes?

Fairly uncommon. One time I saw a priest getting beaten up by three skinheads, but then a bunch of black guys and some white guys beat the mortal fuck out of them.

3) How is Quebec like for a non-French speaking person? Is it very cold there? (I am an Aussie, and we have summers up to 48 degrees centigrade)

Quebec is fine for an anglophone so long as you stick to Montreal. Quebec City and every where else in Quebec is fairly french. Of course, English is one of the official Canadian languages, so language discrimination is illegal. Even though Quebec likes to have language police anyways.

Summers are pretty hot, and the winters are primate cold. Canada is a very seasonal country. Fall is very dry, and spring is very wet, for that matter.

4) How high is the GST?


5) Is it fairly easy to find jobs right now?

Depends what kind of jobs. IT, Real Estate, Contruction, Military, Intelligence, Civil Service, yes. Professional ninja, probably not.

<img src="" alt="Bad.Mojo: Born to Kill">


New Member
Dec 19, 1999
thanks dude..

.. you're always the first to answer my Canadian questions - thanks Bad.Mojo - it's good to be proud of your country!! That's the kind of thing I like.

Okay, regarding (1) - my brother told me that some politician was pretty famous for his/her racist views.. ever heard of a person like that?

Do you speak French? And if not, would you mind living in Montreal?

thanks Bad.Mojo!

You're male by birth, but a man by choice.


Old Timer
Mar 13, 2000
Damn! No professional Ninja? Well, so much for Canada. Maybe I'll try Mexico. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif


Torque Wrench

New Member
Jun 23, 2000
Midland, Ontario, Canada
Visit site
Okay, regarding (1) - my brother told me that some politician was pretty famous for his/her racist views.. ever heard of a person like that?

I haven't heard of anybody like that.

I travel to Quebec city every year for a ski trip and have never had problems with language barriers or discrimination (I don't speak a lick of French)
I work in the office of a printing factory and remember talking to an anglophone who was forced to take down is business sign because it was only written in english. His lawyer advised him to turn in into a political statement (I don't know how this was achieved), he was never bothered again.

It sounds like your planning on a move or a vacation to Canada, my advice would be go for it. I love it here. The summers are awesome! Lots of boating, tanning and deck partying. Winters are great! I play hockey, ski, snowmobile, curling, etc.

In short, Canada is my favourite place anywhere /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

"I Love to smoke." - Dennis Leary
Tele-dodging! Coool!


science begets death
Jul 18, 1999
Nah, no professional ninjas in Mexico. Maybe you could be a professional immigrant smuggler.

<FONT SIZE=2 color="#A5AA56">Catalyst</FONT><FONT SIZE=1 color="#A5AA56">
Infiltration Public Correspondent</FONT>


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
Hmm... the only politician I can think of that's a psychopath is Ralph Klein... but he's more of a laughingstock. The only person who takes him seriously is Gryphon.

As far as French goes, I'm fully bilingual, I can substitute either language perfectly. I'm half english and half french by blood, education, and country. So relocating anywhere in Canada is not that hard for me. An anglo living in Montreal is fine, because anglophones comprise more than 50% at least of that city's population (counting bilinguals.)

<img src="" alt="Bad.Mojo: Born to Kill">


New Member
Jan 15, 2000
Visit site
what about Preston "I love that word REFOOOOOOOOOORM!" Manning ?

Funny bit of info: we have (or used to have, not sure if they changed the name) a political party called CRAP, which is the "Canadian Refoprm Alliance Party, but doesn't hide the fact that it is, indeed CRAP.


New Member
Dec 13, 1999
yeah, but I still haven't forgiven Canada for Michael J Fox /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

Is it true that the Canadian government has interupted news casts and other television and/or radio broadcasts to censor them? I had a college professor years ago who claimed this happened and that Canadian law doesn't afford Canadians the same right to free speach as Americans (I believe this was his response to some student claiming that Canada was exactly like America and we should just add them to the US as more states).

To put things in perspective, he honestly believed that the gunman who really got JFK was the exact same man that got Martin Luther King, and the same group of people (CIA?, Tri-Laterlists?, Mousecateers?) were responsible for the death of Marilyn Monroe.

Higher education in America, ain't it grand /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif

"People hate me because I am a multifaceted, talented, wealthy, internationally famous genius. "
Jerry Lewis


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
Is it true that the Canadian government has interupted news casts and other television and/or radio broadcasts to censor them?

That's the funniest thing I've heard in a long time. Can you hear the word "fuck" and see full frontal nudity at 6 o'clock on basic cable in the United States?

I had a college professor years ago who claimed this happened and that Canadian law doesn't afford Canadians the same right to free speach as Americans

I suggest you recommend your college professor get an education in world history.

See my response the first statement. Furthermore, can women go topless in the states? They can here. Is possession and purchase of marijuana legal in the states? Cause it is here. Hey, didn't you have to pass a law that let you burn the flag? Cause we never had any such law barring us from that. You're right, we're not afforded the same rights. We're afforded more.

(I believe this was his response to some student claiming that Canada was exactly like America and we should just add them to the US as more states).

Yeah, THAT'LL BE THE DAY. Last time you tried that the White House came pretty close to being burnt down. It still has scorch marks visible on it.

You know how you celebrate the Revolutionary War every July 4th? We celebrate the War of 1812 every July 1st. Sure, you may flaunt it that you kicked the ass of a bunch of soldiers across the ocean, but we flaunt it that when it came time for a real insurrection, it was a mass slaughter of American soldiers. Bet they don't teach you that in school.

<img src="" alt="Bad.Mojo: Born to Kill">


science begets death
Jul 18, 1999
Yeah, actually they do.

<FONT SIZE=2 color="#A5AA56">Catalyst</FONT><FONT SIZE=1 color="#A5AA56">
Infiltration Public Correspondent</FONT>


science begets death
Jul 18, 1999
And while we're being patriotic, I believe the Star Spangled Banner was written about the valiant American defense at Fort McHenry that signalled the beginning of the British retreat back into Canada. /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

<FONT SIZE=2 color="#A5AA56">Catalyst</FONT><FONT SIZE=1 color="#A5AA56">
Infiltration Public Correspondent</FONT>


New Member
Dec 13, 1999
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> That's the funniest thing I've heard in a long time. Can you hear the word "fuck" and see full frontal nudity at 6 o'clock on basic cable in the United States? [/quote]

No, but you can on the extra pay stations like HBO, and the Playboy Channel (this may vary in other cities, so I can't speak for the whole country)

Also from what I understand the censorship of Canadian television by the government was not covering up tits and ass or bleeping out fuck and shit, but it was censorship of political opinions that clashed with the government leadership.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> I suggest you recommend your college professor get an education in world history. [/quote]

I think I established that this particular professor is a nutjob (BTW he taught Government of all things)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Hey, didn't you have to pass a law that let you burn the flag? [/quote]

Nope, you have it backward, there were some people trying to make it against the law to burn the flag. Right now it's legal (well in some areas you need a permit from the fire department and have to follow some safety rules, like having a fireman on the scene)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Yeah, THAT'LL BE THE DAY. Last time you tried that the White House came pretty close to being burnt down. It still has scorch marks visible on it. [/quote]

Don't worry 'bout us. I wouldn't want Canada and the US to merge any more then you would.

You may get to see boobies on the street, but I can still own an unregistered gun (and in most parts of the country carry it conceiled) Canada's gun control is more then here.

"People hate me because I am a multifaceted, talented, wealthy, internationally famous genius. "
Jerry Lewis


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
Oh sure, you can own an unregistered gun, but can you own a tank? Cause there's no restrictions on mobile artillery/armoured cavalry vehicles in Canada. if you have the money, you could park a howitzer on your front lawn and not hear a peep of protest.

The open letter was sorta boring but an interesting read, because the channel she's referring to is WUTV Fox in Buffalo. Which i watch every day, which I have never seen have a blackout unless the entire cable goes out. I have NO idea what she's referring to, and as far as censoring scandalous government related materials, we heard all about APEC and the seperatists. And the government and police both did things during those events that were insane. the prime minister choked a protestor, the RCMP doused other protestors with pepper spray. That letter is either 1) really old or 2) a bold faced lie, since I have never encountered ANY of the problems she's detailed.

And the only reason police seize news footage here is as evidence for crimes in progress, to properly identify the suspects. Unless they're crooked, but every country has that. Need i remind you that New Orleans has the most crooked police force? But we do have our share of crooked cops, no doubt. As far as censorship goes, if we want to risk dragging things out of the past, what was that whole McCarthy era about? isn't policing an entire country's political viewpoint an activity un-American?

As for the flag burning, only one person from the united states has said it has always been legal to burn flags. Everybody else has said that an amendment to the law had to be passed to make it legal. And that one person was you. So I don't know, I recall footage of university kids being riot-busted by the cops for burning flags in protest of Vietnam. It may have been in a movie from a while back, I don't know, but I remember seeing it.

<img src="" alt="Bad.Mojo: Born to Kill">


New Member
Dec 13, 1999
During Vietnam war protests in the 60s the police and other authorities) routinly broke the law when handling protesters, two words Kent State.

However any Americans who are telling you it's illegal to burn the flag don't know what they're talking about. In 1999 there was a attempt to get an amendment to the constitution to make flag desecration illegal lookie here...

thankfuly it didn't pass.

As for censorship by the Canadian government. I didn't know whether that prof knew what he was talking about or not, so that's why I asked.
I'll assume that since you're actualy there you know more what you're talking about then he.

"People hate me because I am a multifaceted, talented, wealthy, internationally famous genius. "
Jerry Lewis


science begets death
Jul 18, 1999
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Oh sure, you can own an unregistered gun, but can you own a tank? Cause there's no restrictions on mobile artillery/armoured cavalry vehicles in Canada. if you have the money, you could park a howitzer on your front lawn and not hear a peep of protest. [/quote]

Maybe that's cuz you guys don't have psychos stealing a tank and running over cars and driving on the freeway trying to go into oncoming traffic until the hatch was opened and a bullet is put in their head. /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

<FONT SIZE=2 color="#A5AA56">Catalyst</FONT><FONT SIZE=1 color="#A5AA56">
Infiltration Public Correspondent</FONT>