Mod Recruitment ( unreal 3 )

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UNF :E Project leader
Nov 13, 2005
Dimz said:
ok are your theories based on years of research at a well recognized institute of higher learnin or are you just blowin smoke up everyone's asses here?

call me a fickin liar again , and ill **** you good .

No our theories are based on watching some good mods go down, due to mod community jumping on the "lets remake CS, but not call it CS" bandwagon in the hope a developer picks them up.

Not so much a case with UT2004, but it has happend.

Your mod sounds like a CS type game, sorry I'm just drawing my conclussion from the vast amounts of information you have given us.

I map for Unreal ed, but I will not even create a single subtract brush for a CT/T counter strike clone, I just hope UT2007 has one, and isnt plagued with a ton of them.


A Loose Screw
Nov 13, 2005
C'mon guys, sheathe your mighty blades. :p Anyone's allowed to make a mod however he or she wishes; whether or not its with your help is one thing, just try and lay off the stabbie stabbie.

Dimz --> Brothers in Arms is a tactical WWII shooter which at one point will release an UnrealEngine3 version (BIA3) and if its anything like their last (5?) games -- Gearbox will release a modkit for it. While its not as easy to mod as UnrealTournament and is not compatible -- Gearbox put a lot of time and effort into developing squad-based AI; might be worth your while to check it out.

Just a little FYI to help you in the AI department. If you still decide to work on it for UT2007 (which I personally can't blame you) instead of BIA3, good luck with your UT2007 mod.
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