Mod Recruitment ( unreal 3 )

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New Member
Apr 13, 2004
Sup , im a 3d modeler and texture artist recruiting for an unreal 3 mod , i was recently met with horrifying negativity for trying to recruit with no real details about what the mod im tryin to recruit for is about ... now is the time to let some info out about it .

The mod is basically a tactical shooter , with alot of technological weaponry .
it will use the unreal 3.0 engine's render effieciency to allow for higher poly , and higher detailed models for all content within the game . also , normal mapping is a good thing to know about since the models will be fitted with additional normal mapped skin textures to enhance the look and feel of what will be shown as far as the 3d art goes . so no more is the loss of reality due to lack of visual realism ; everything that will be put into the mod will be fully modeled / normal mapped to the greatest extent possible on the new unreal 3 engine to allow fo the best experience possible on a next-generation engine platform . this could seem as run-of -the-mill talk to some of you guys but a mod like this will be unprecedented .

While i wish i had more progress to show off to the public , it has been slow-going as far as development goes since the start of the mod because of the lack of recruits . however exposure is becoming more dynamic , and the content is adding up .

So i've made a brief Flash video web page showing some of the weapon models that are scheduled for release in the mod , and will have more content to add when new recruits are added to the team ...

The flash page ( Flash Player 7 + ) can be viewed here :

you can reply to this thread or submit an email to : for recruitment info , thanks for your interest and good luck to anyone who wants to apply for a position on the team .
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New Member
Apr 13, 2004
think theres a compatibility issue with mx2004 and flash 7 & 8 , i'll look into gettin it squared away , thanks .


taunt pthrust
May 27, 2002
Earshot of monkeys
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I'd just like to comment that no game by the name "Unreal 3" has been announced as of yet... im guessing you are talkign about Unreal Tournament 2007. and while im being exact, its generally refered to as "Unreal Engine 3.0", not "Unreal 3.0 Engine".

just say this, because when recruiting for a mod, it doesnt help to have specifics like the name of the game wrong :/

also, you say you got very negative feedback when you didnt supply any real information about the mod... but in this thread, you didnt really put anythign more. Most people who might be interested probably already know the technical abilities of the engine, which are basically what you outlined in your description, while the only statement really pertaining to your mod is that it "is basically a tactical shooter , with alot of technological weaponry". which describes about half of the mods around, these days...

anyways... i always welcome a new mod, and hope you end up with something great... and hopefully you can fix up your flash thinger o_O


New Member
Apr 13, 2004
yes , real people know that "unreal 3 :" is not a game title , yet all of us know what it means ... if youre looking for exact useage of grammar from a 3d artist to base your opinions about the mod then youre pretty strange to do so , and i would recommend that you grow up a bit and realize what im tryin to do here .

everything done in modding is for your own personal benefit , and if most of the mods around are the same as the idea behind this one , then you have to realize also that the work that goes into a mod is for portfolio material , and will help you as the work done in a mod is done as a team . this is all self explainatory in the word MOD , but i guess some of you need this to be explained again since you cant seem to understand that i am RECRUITING for a mod , and dont need replies containing " hey your mod is the same as everyone elses , im not gonna join , you didnt say enough about the clone of a mod for me to even say its just like most mods around but im sayin it is , and therefore just dissed your mod by sayin it is ... oh btw good luck " .

this is not a good way to be civil , and you seem to type just to read yourself think .
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Deus Ex Machina
Aug 15, 2005
OMG, don't be such a crybaby. He just told his opinion, and the truth. Currently there are hundreds of thousends mods around pretending to be the most realistic tactic-shooter with unbelievable new ideas in it.

Since (forgive me for mentioning it here) Counter Strike there is no innovation in this. If you really have an awsome idea, at least post some detail, and NOT only one or two sentences.

This way you MAY get the attention of some guys round here, but not how you're doin atm.


New Member
Nov 23, 2002
I think people want to know what the mod is about other than "The mod is basically a tactical shooter , with alot of technological weaponry ." what type of themed levels do you want alien worlds futuristic cities ,style of game play, Will you have vehicals, will it be multiplayer or single player any speacial feature that you have in mind, because from what i have read the only thing you have is that you want to make a mod that has alot of weapons.


New Member
Apr 13, 2004
the video would give you an idea of the timeframe the mod will be taking place in , but unfortunately macromedia released flash 8 and theres no compatibility there from what people have said about tryin to open the page . its scheduled as being "near-present day" , and i think thats a good time frame for the genre .

its a MP only mod , vehicles are planned to be included , and the style of maps will be based upon realism in the present day , and will range from one extreme to another , but im not going to say what they will be , so any mappers that we recruit will need to be skilled enough to be flexible , but the work is divided amongst the mesh modelers , skinners , and the mappers .

i cant give out terribly detailed specifics yet , and im currently trying to assemble a group of mappers for a brainstorming session to see what else we can get tied down as far as concepts go .

this mod is just begining , so i have a proposal for those who want to know more about what it is : why not tell us what you want it to be ? all team members and any supporters who have ideas will be heard , and the concepts will all be weighed equally to see how we can all make the best game possible .
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New Member
Sep 26, 2004
So I suppose you're recruiting only modellers, animators, concept and texture artists. And when UT2007 will be released you will start to find some people who can code for UE3.
And I don't find it TOO strange to start development for the new engine. Legend Of Vandora team suspended their work with a plan to release on UT2007. Sentry Studios (guys behind Infiltration) is creating content while looking for the new game engine too because HL2 engine doesn't support huge maps (so it is quite possible that Infiltration will return to the Unreal Engine).


New Member
Apr 13, 2004
well thats a concise analysis of what im doing , yeah .

the team doesnt need to be"filled up " so to speak , but progress will definitely help it grow . if youre a freelance modeler and wouldnt mind makin a few models , then thats'd be great , i will make sure all participants in the mod's progress are properly credited . the point of modding is for exposure , and this mod needs to expand to be seen . so hopefully some people come forth and offer help so that all of us gain more much needed exposure .
Apr 2, 2001
Frankfurt/ Germany
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]F|T[Corvus said:
Since (forgive me for mentioning it here) Counter Strike there is no innovation in this. If you really have an awsome idea, at least post some detail, and NOT only one or two sentences.

If CS is the most realistic/innovative game to you - you haven't checked out anything since then...

Infiltration IMHO is by far the most realistic game out there.

One might be able to recruit interested fans and developers over there if he comes up if a full concept.
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Deus Ex Machina
Aug 15, 2005
Did I say this? Na, I don't think so... But CS WAS innovative. Of course there were a lot of me-too games, which had the same concept with better features. Anyway to me the whole terrorist/anti-terrorist scenario has become boring.

and yes: I played Tac-Ops, I played Infiltration, they all were fun, but after a while, they all sucked, just like CS.


Staff member
Jun 4, 2001
You are basically saying you want to make a tactical shooter with realistic look and high-tech weapons?
That may be something slightly new, but you'll have a hard time trying to get people to join if you can't express your design ideas. (for that matter, Flash-only sites suck - even more so if they don't work) Your post here is your first and usually only chance to get people to consider looking at your idea. In its current state your recruitment request doesn't help you at all, though.


beat me with a stick
Oct 28, 2002
the fact that somebody has to explicitly say "this game is nothing like counter strike" means that it probably is like counter strike.

i suggest you plan out the mod a little better, get as detailed as possible about the actual play of the game, and show us (not tell us) that the game isnt like CS. we should be able to go, "hmm, he's right, this doesnt seem like CS at all because of blah, blah, and blah."

Simply saying, "this is a CT/T game with realistic gunz and a money buy system, but nothing like CS," will auto matically make 99.9% of people think its CS.


New Member
Apr 13, 2004
ok are your theories based on years of research at a well recognized institute of higher learnin or are you just blowin smoke up everyone's asses here?

call me a fickin liar again , and ill **** you good .