Sailsoft said:
After playing a game, mapvote comes up, and e.g. gametype is already on Onslaught, but you get to see DM maps below it.
So if someone isn't paying attension, he picks a DM map, but the gametype will be onslaught.
Doesn't happen all the time...
FYI, I found another bug that will cause this.
This will happen if your GameConfig.GameClass is not exaclty the same as
the currently running game type's class. It does a comparison but if the case
is not the same then this comparison will fail causing this problem.
I was able to reproduce like this:
Notice the gameclass is in all lower case.
When running bombing run the actual gameclass is XGame.xBombingRun.
So, I ended up with CTF maps showing with Bombing Run selected by default.
This will be fixed in the patch. But for now to fix it just make sure you use
the exact same case in you GameClass settings.
Here are the Exact game classes:
DeathMatch - GameClass="XGame.xDeathMatch"
TeamGame - GameClass="XGame.xTeamGame"
DoubleDom - GameClass="XGame.xDoubleDom"
Capture The Flag - GameClass="XGame.xCTFGame"
BombingRun - GameClass="XGame.xBombingRun"
Mutant - GameClass="BonusPack.xMutantGame"
LastManStanding - GameClass="BonusPack.xLastManStandingGame"
Invasion - GameClass="SkaarjPack.Invasion"
Onslaught - GameClass="Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame"
Assault - GameClass="UT2k4Assault.ASGameInfo"
Vehicle CTF - GameClass="XGame.xVehicleCTFGame"