Mapping Question

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TBuildT Mapping Team
Apr 20, 2000
Toronto, Canada
I was wondering how you use that vertex snap function? It is the small icon in the lower right hand corner of the screen. I hate when I have a shape that I just can't place in the EXACT spot and it seems to be off by 1/30 of a square. I have had it snap in place a couple of times by accident though. I have looked at many tutorials that don't explain how to do it for UE2 or don't explain it all. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." -Albert Einstein


New Member
Mar 25, 2000
Oakdale, CA, USA
Vertex snap is evil (unless it's been fixed for Ued2); instead, try temporarily setting the grid to a smaller size with that drop-down box in the lower right hand corner of the screen containing all those powers of 2. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif


Digital Content Creator
Jul 9, 2000

If you are just off grid a little and you want to set the brush back on grid you can select the brush or a corner of it and then right click on it. This should move the brush onto the grid.

Snapping a virtex to another one is more tricky than evil :) Unless it's the virtex from the same brush, don't ever drop the virtex onto another one from the same brush or it goes BOOOOOMMM!!!! But in order to snap the virtex of a brush to another on a different brush, make sure you are close in all viewports, not just the direction you are looking through in one. In other words, in the left viewport you might be right on it but in the top it shows you are 658 units away, it will not snap right if thats the case. Select the virtex you want to move (it will show a small + if you got it) use the left mouse button while holding down the alt key to move it.

p.s. I'm using UnrealEd 1 not 2, so all of this might be pointless, Mongo not know, but I hope it helps

"Asphalt" is not properly used to describe rectal dysfunction.


TBuildT Mapping Team
Apr 20, 2000
Toronto, Canada
Thanks anyways...

Yeah, I've tried that. Had the grid even set to 1, full zoom and grid jump off. I still can't line it up perfectly without getting a thin hole in the middle. Holes in maps are just inexcusable and can really ruin a great map. I'm sure someone knows how to use it around here.

Oh didn't see that reply Spooge. Must of just been posted while I was typing. Thanks Spooge, I'll try that.

"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." -Albert Einstein

[This message was edited by Dean."Blitz".Ignato on Jul 25, 2000 at 23:12.]


TBuildT Mapping Team
Apr 20, 2000
Toronto, Canada
Damn, it didn't work. I would get the small cross on the brush as I did before, but it still wouldn't match up. This is driving me mad.

"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." -Albert Einstein


Lead Designer
I can help you, been there done that type of thing...

Hi Dean,

I think I know what your problem is but I would like to make sure could you either mail me a small jpg or gif image of the geometry you are tring to join.

I will make some assumptions here and try to get close...

You are having problems with subtracts (Yellow) brushes... ?

You are having problems because you have scaled your brushes.... IMHO don't ever scale any of your main level geomety it will give you xmas tree light effect and BSP holes and tears...

You are not using the grid to align brushes on !

If you have a vertices which is not on the grid because you have rotated a brush, then you have to use the technique of temporarly rotated that brush back onto the grid, attach the other brush to it at its vertex then then highlight both brushes and rotate them both back into to place.

I use this all the time for making sure that multiply joined brushes which have been rotated are joined correctly.

With many brushed highlighted you can choose whichever vertex you wish to have as the pivot point (red cross), them move them all to where you wish and rotate into or back into place.

Not complex at all to do... just damn difficult to find words to describe it...



New Member
Feb 10, 2000

Left click to select the vertex and right click to snap to the grid. To snap to another vertex (not on the grid) left click to select the vertex and then move the brush (in all views) close (within one grid square) of the vertex you wish to snap to.


"It takes a minute to pray, but only a second to die."

[This message was edited by Romilar_D on Jul 27, 2000 at 13:38.]


TBuildT Mapping Team
Apr 20, 2000
Toronto, Canada
Got it taken care of

Thanks guys, got it to snap in the right spot. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
What was happening was I had an add brush that was rotated and had to join another add brush at a different rotation to share the same vertex as the above brush. This is my first map and I am doing pretty much everything for the first time.

Bastard'O, how do you take pictures of the views inside the editor? I've seen a few people do it, but I have no idea how to do it myself.

"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." -Albert Einstein


Lead Designer
Success cool...

To get an image from UnrealEd(1)...

You would do this...

Click the mouse inside the view you want to snap.
Hold down the AltKey and press PrintScreen.
This copies this section of the screen into the windoze clipboard..

With your famous copy of ImagePro right click ImagePro's screen and select paste.

Then rightclick ImagePro's screen again and save as jpeg.

Attach/insert/ftp jpeg image to mail or ftp site and post send message.

ImagePro I wrote many years ago, IMHO an excellent little app that does a lot, thumbsnails etc...

Any other paste from clipboard save as jpeg image program would work of course...

ImagePro can be downloaded from here...

goto the delphi page

Sorry about the pimpage but this is a cool little program excellent for the above job...

Also sorry about my old look uk based first attempt of web design... ho ho

Hopefully the above method will work for people using UED(2), it is just the copy current window contents to the clipboard that does it... AltPrintScreen.


Evil Joe

I Will Kill You
Feb 13, 2000
wow bastard'0 and spooge on this problem... look out folks somebody brought out the BIG guns!


TBuildT Mapping Team
Apr 20, 2000
Toronto, Canada
What can I say? Simply a great community. This is why I wanted to get into mapping to try to give something back to it (if my map is good enough btw). Thanks again for the help and the link.

"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." -Albert Einstein