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Weird little hermit on dried frog pills
Nov 3, 2001
Visit site
Originally posted by lucifix
i like hexen :rolleyes: wouldnt mind finding a copy of hexen2.....

you could summon a centaur/minotaur or somthing........if i remember correctly..........

Really? :con: I had only Hexen, and while it wasn't too bad for a short while, I got bored quickly. As I said, it was basically just a shooter with weird weapons and the ammo called mana.
But you had only a few distinctive weapons and mana had to be collected.
Same as with WOT. Original magic system? Do tell. :rolleyes:

In Dark Magic mana regenerates as it should, and you have dozens of spells, not all of them weapons; far from it really.


For the Win, motherfather!
Aug 24, 2001
lets not forget the new gametypes we are thinking off.
im sure there's a list somewhere... oh well. we want to do a single player mode eventually, but we need to finish with the update of the core before we even consider that.

some more eyecandy of magus's leet new particle system for you.


Active Member
May 2, 2000
The $65,000 question is:

Why should anyone bother downloading this mod when there are so many of them (with particle systems) already out there?

Sell yourselves some more. No one will do it for you.


For the Win, motherfather!
Aug 24, 2001
Originally posted by lucifix
whats the red/blue meters for? the version i have doesnt have those..........

health and mana i think. its some shots of the new, in development hud. as i said, not only are we already a really quite unique mod, (or at least better than any similar mods my a fair way) we are also re-working the entire spell system. we have plans for big changes and additions... a modeler with so much to do that he wont be going anywhere in the near future (say, a decade or two) and some good maps around already.

in its current form it isnt even a big download.

if you are even remotely interested in all things amgical and mystical, this already is the mod for you, and its only going to get better...


Active Member
May 2, 2000
Henry just couldn't work out where he had gone wrong with the Christmas Lights this year



For the Win, motherfather!
Aug 24, 2001

and such a leet map its in too eh?

that isnt a bot_40 map, or even one of mine before you get the wrong idea. we arent THAT desperate.


For the Win, motherfather!
Aug 24, 2001
the pink flasks and moonwalk bug will be gone in the next release.

if you want rid of them altogether, the classic .80 release is your best bet. though it has fewer cool new spells, just the zedzero origionals.


For the Win, motherfather!
Aug 24, 2001
Originally posted by lucifix
id love to make maps for it but i cant make terrain. is there a terrain tut somewhere? and whats best to build terrain?

bot_40 swears by the terrain brush i think. your best bet is to either quiz him on it through pm's, email, icq, irc or something. if nothing else, he is bound to know a good tutorial because he uses terrain a hell of a lot.


Weird little hermit on dried frog pills
Nov 3, 2001
Visit site
Originally posted by Ulukai
The $65,000 question is:

Why should anyone bother downloading this mod when there are so many of them (with particle systems) already out there?

Sell yourselves some more. No one will do it for you.

What mods are you talking about? I am talking about mods with at lest similar gameplay here.
No running to your well-known inventory spots to collect 'yer olde rocketlauncher' or grap a healthpack when needed. No 'the guy who knows where the invis is 0wnz the map'
There was also an interview:

In short, it's about control. No spell starts as ultimate killer, and in the new version you won't even collet scrolls anymore, so everyone starts with even odds, you might say.

And I REALLY wouldn't know any similar mod. Don't tell me about FEBA plz, I tried that. Nah.


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
Originally posted by mister_cope

bot_40 swears by the terrain brush i think. your best bet is to either quiz him on it through pm's, email, icq, irc or something. if nothing else, he is bound to know a good tutorial because he uses terrain a hell of a lot.

lol, /me loves UED terrain brush :)
I don't know any good tutorials. Everyone will tell you to use either terra-edit (which I think looks rubbish because it is all 90/45 degree angles) or tessalated cubes which I don't find very easy to use. I also find it's easier to get bsp errors with them.

If you can be bothered...this is basiclly how I do my terrain:

I use the ued terrain brush. I normally use a 'grid' spacing of 1024x1024 for large areas or 512x512 or sometimes 256x256 for smaller areas.
Then you can vertex edit it into any shape you want.
The most important thing I think is to edit the vertexes laterally aswell as vertically. This will make your terrain look much smoother and will get rid of all those sharp corners.
Once that is done I subtract the brush, check for collision/bsp errors then allign the textures. Do a final check. Then merge the polys to get a lower poly count.
Then the terrain will still look really empty so I add tessalated cubes for rocks and ledges. Then if I do something wrong, I can just delete that brush. If there is something wrong with the main terrain brush you can use tessalated cubes to add or subtract bits out of it allthough subtracting bits without getting errors can be tricky so I try to make sure I'm happy with the base brush before I carry on with the rest of the map (I hope claw didn't read that ;))
Then add buildings. Take polyscounts from around the map then add more rocks to cut the view up so that you can't see too much of the map at one time. It's surprising how much lower you can get it.
Avoid using translucent water over large areas (eg rivers, lakes) this will gratly increase your polycount.
Lastly add trees and plants (not too many) more than 5 in view will start to slow the map down me thinks.

misc. stuff

Still not sure which is better to make rivers, modify the base brush to create a vally then add water, or add a series of tess. cubes. I'm still experimenting :)
I'm discovering that using different rock textures is quite effective. So are path textures, but be sure to add the dirt paths before you merge the polys otherwise it might merge 2 polys when you want one of them to have a path texture.
Caves I always do with tss. cubes. Usually sets of 2 cubes stacked on top of each other so that the walls aren't straight.
Also, you can go a bit wild if you are doing a small cave as using tess. cubes for caves produces low polycounts.
If you get bsp errors, make some of the tess. cube rocks semisolid.
If you get collision errors in your main brush, you can vertex edit it a bit to see if that helps. subtracting cubes in that area will almost certainly not help.
Try tracing where the collision error goes then add a tess. cube rock (solid) along the line of the error. This should help.
I aim for poly counts of around 140-180 polys for the actuall terrain. I try to keep it lower in areas that will have buildings in by blocking the view with rocks. (I like to make my maps low poly :))

Enough ranting. Hope you learnt something if you read that.

[map pimp]
If you want to see some of my terrain download ctf-dmut-lostvally from nalicity (in the last update). It's not as good as the map I'm working on at the moment but it's not bad. The terrain on dm-dmut-cryptic][ is simple but it isn't that bad. It's REALLY low poly (60 for the main brush!).
[/map pimp]


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
OMG I HAD A VISITOR AT MY SITE :eek2: and I was like weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!