Map Votes

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Goblin Hunter
Apr 29, 2004
Bleeder said:
I don't think most people want mapvote based on the fact that there already is a mapvote mutator for U2XMP... and nobody uses it. "Los XMP" was the only server I ever saw running it.

I think [GDC]Faust knows something about the U2XMP mapvote mutator but I could be totally wrong about that.

Yep, there were severe replication-issues with this mutator due to insufficient beta-testing. It was intended to release the final version with the GFP-Pack, but since I was involved in 3 Maps of this pack and had to help fixing some bugs shortly b4 the release, I wasn't able to finish it.

Right now, further working on it seems quite redundant to me...
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Blue Team Leader
Sep 17, 2004
Bucknell University
I know some of the Map vote systems worked where however many frags you had that is how many votes you had. Think of the wonderful point whoring that would cause for UT:XMP, screw capping the artie, I am running around hacking ****. LOL.... but seriously it will be nice to see map vote, and there are so many different options and settings that I wouldn't be worried about getting bad maps.


New Member
Apr 5, 2004
Zaknafein said:
One of the few things that I like about 2k4 ONS is the map voting system once a map ends ... will UTXMP include a similar system?

As long as Artidozenraptors isnt in the mapcycle, i agree. :D