Making the most rediculous map...a collaborative effort!

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Turret 49

Doomer at heart
Jun 26, 2004
I guess so, save often just in case.

Starry Might said:
Hey, guys, if me and my Dad were to add to this, should I worry about it crashing the Editor?

Starry Might

K.N.I.F.E said:
I'm going to edit it again. A side note-there is slight lag in the lava room.

Can I do it after you? :D

EDIT: Oh, has anybody tested it to see if it has the Official flag or not? (I know that this glitch was supposedly fixed by a patch, but I guess I'm still skeptical about that.)
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Dressed in Pink
Jun 4, 2005
In Nathan's base
Download version 44k

I added one spawn point in a new room, a little docking bay with a space fighter (undriveable) inside of it, so now we can open a fast food place! Arn't docking bays great!

Starry Might I recommend making a fast food place somewhere, but don't change too much.


Dressed in Pink
Jun 4, 2005
In Nathan's base
Oh wait if were going to open a fast food spot I guess we need more docking bays, it would suck with only one costumer. And you should use the fans from the ut2k3 intro as costumers.

Starry Might

Where ARE the fans from the "UT 2003" intro, anyways? Not the individual ones, but like clusters of them. (My Dad was wondering that last night, too.)

Anyways, lock acquired, I guess! :crazydance:

EDIT: Oh, by the way, I want to mention a couple of things:

(1) There's a BSP Error in the room with the shield that leads to, among other things, the Hilary Cow Room (ROTFLMBO).

(2) Not necessarily an error, but did you know that if Translocators are enabled, you can get the Redeemer on the other side of the road WITHOUT becoming roadkill? I wondered that, and just a little while ago, I confirmed it. Here's proof!:


  • ut2004-dm-1on1-lololol-40k-roadredeemer1.jpg
    161.3 KB · Views: 50
  • ut2004-dm-1on1-lololol-40k-roadredeemer2.jpg
    216.1 KB · Views: 39
  • ut2004-dm-1on1-lololol-40k-roadredeemer3.jpg
    181.1 KB · Views: 45
  • ut2004-dm-1on1-lololol-40k-roadredeemer4.jpg
    196.9 KB · Views: 54
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Dressed in Pink
Jun 4, 2005
In Nathan's base
Like thoose pictures. Are you a geek who lives with ur geek dad or a kid who likes to play video games with your dad. And by the way your dad should get a buf username. After i do my stuff i will look for the fans

Rollo Tomasi

Hit K Dirt with Pay Dirt
Dec 9, 2004
washington dc suburbs
thanks m&ms for making my day a good bit better w/ that vid clip!!! :lol:

i was thinking pictures, user submitted...anyone interested in seein if that's possible or wanted?

Starry Might

K.N.I.F.E said:
Starry Might try to hurry with that editing!!! I am sooooooo anxious!

By the way did you realy copyrgiht ur sig?
First of all, I WAS working on the map (I made more docking bays and I made a little Flak Cannon pit), but when I tried to Rebuild All...BOOM! Crashed to the Desktop when it reached Illumination Occulding! :rant:

As for your second's just for fun. :D

EDIT: Me and my Dad found the problem. It had to do with my duplicating the docking bay and its contents. When I rebuilt BSP, it looked okay. But when I rebuilt lighting, it had a weird BSP hole. Getting rid of all but the original docking bay fixed the map. I'll leave the extra docking bays up to you. :)
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tactical inaccuracy
Feb 6, 2005
If you go back to one of the first pages, T2A mentioned the unstability of all these gimics in one map and to always save before building. :)