geogob said:From Edmonds initial suggestion, it is possible to see a solution to help getting teams more organized, especially with NEW players around (which is good for the community) who are unfamiliar with urban warfare and with the map layout.
Just think about it. Your are new inf player playing on Tuscany and another player Asks you for support on the way to gun A. Even if you have check the map layout once before or checked the brefings (which you probably didn't do if you are a new player) you might get lost. And the other will never get their support in time. This is just an exemple on how a feature *similar* to what edmonds originaly suggested _might_ be of interest in game. I don't agree though with the radar idea. Simply a map with attack paths, objectives, and objective status.
Except real soldiers have no such map, and Infiltration has always been about maximum realism, not about adding artificial crutches to make up for players not knowing things that real soldiers do. A pregame briefing would be great and a crudely drawn full-screen map would be good, but even a limited form of radar/dynamic map would be counter to the entire idea of Infiltration.