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New Member
Feb 12, 2002
The Land of the Governator
geogob said:
From Edmonds initial suggestion, it is possible to see a solution to help getting teams more organized, especially with NEW players around (which is good for the community) who are unfamiliar with urban warfare and with the map layout.

Just think about it. Your are new inf player playing on Tuscany and another player Asks you for support on the way to gun A. Even if you have check the map layout once before or checked the brefings (which you probably didn't do if you are a new player) you might get lost. And the other will never get their support in time. This is just an exemple on how a feature *similar* to what edmonds originaly suggested _might_ be of interest in game. I don't agree though with the radar idea. Simply a map with attack paths, objectives, and objective status.

Except real soldiers have no such map, and Infiltration has always been about maximum realism, not about adding artificial crutches to make up for players not knowing things that real soldiers do. A pregame briefing would be great and a crudely drawn full-screen map would be good, but even a limited form of radar/dynamic map would be counter to the entire idea of Infiltration.


New Member
Feb 12, 2002
The Land of the Governator
Crowze said:
A dynamic map would be extremely difficult to do - you'd need a very accurate overhead to start with, and making them would take up a lot of time. I'm planning on just having a static map which you can bring up by presing a key.

That sounds good, but I’d make it look like a crude hand-sketched map done impromptu by a squad leader, not an overhead screenshot of the game map.


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
SaraP. I never agreed with the radar idea. lets be clear on that.

Adding to KW's and Tiffy's last comments, I would consider (if possible) to have different map in games for attackers and defenders. On many maps, attackers should only have partial maps (or even not up to date maps). In maps like Frozen or Silo, I doupt attackers would have detailled map from the underground structure.

Of course, for missing briefings, you'll need a more complete map. On that i also think a mission briefing for every map would be a good thing (for players as well as for mappers).

But showing other player position on the map, thats a big no-no for me too.


Irony Is
Aug 10, 2001
Visit site
crude hand-sketched map done impromptu by a squad leader

It occurs to me that a simple map made up of lines rather than a complicated overhead screenshot would be easier to divide up and label with area names and thus could be better for someone trying to learn the maps. You could also sketch arrows on them showing the main "axis of advance" (that's "Which way to go" in civie speak, yes?).


Bird Brain
Feb 6, 2002
Cambridgeshire, UK
Well, I'm planning on using maps like those given with a few of the mission briefings - Skopje for example. To start off with, I'm looking to get all the standard inf EAS maps done, and it'd be a bonus to get the DS mappack as well, and of course I'll be happy to use any maps that anyone can make. I'll start a thread in Development about this.


Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
just to add something here...

my ideas regarding the addition of maps were a bit dynamic depending on zone actors or other nav points. You can store the info per map within an ini file and the actor or mutator will then load all given map textures into a table and at the time the player hits a specific key or uses a specific item the codes would search for the 'nearest' (means in zone or if not zoned then the distance to the navpoint itself) of the assigned navpoints and then display the texture/map assigned to this navpoint. This way you can make different maps even for different height levels or for an underground section aso without a problem. And the stuff can be added to existing maps too without the need to add special actors within UED.

If we would have had the time to model some hands holding a map then I guess we would have implemented such a feature ourselves.


New Member
Feb 12, 2002
The Land of the Governator
sir_edmond said:
sara if this where max realism when you get shot in your legs you would be bearly able to walk let alone sprint!

*roll eyes* That's an engine limitation, not a design choice. Locational damage in UT is limited to head/body; the only UT-engine game to have true locational damage, Deus Ex, had an extensively rewritten version of the engine.


New Member
Apr 5, 2001
*blinks eyes*


Whenever wounded in general, a better effect could be implemented showing your not only slowed, but unsteady, giving you pause to decide on your nearest cover and action. This could be achieved by simply adding extra bobbing and arm swaying when wounded to a much greater degree than seen at present. Perhaps the more wounded you are the more unsteady you become?

That at least can still be done with the UT engine.
Save the floating for ghosting.


New Member
Feb 12, 2002
The Land of the Governator
=CreepingShadow= said:
*blinks eyes*


Whenever wounded in general, a better effect could be implemented showing your not only slowed, but unsteady, giving you pause to decide on your nearest cover and action. This could be achieved by simply adding extra bobbing and arm swaying when wounded to a much greater degree than seen at present. Perhaps the more wounded you are the more unsteady you become?

That at least can still be done with the UT engine.
Save the floating for ghosting.

What, and delay 2.9 another year?