No it wouldn't. HOLP maps haven't won any 1st places. Yet have provided by far the best gameplay for CTF and DM gametypes. They get played in competitive games where as CBP maps don't.
Some people don't care what a game looks like they just want it to play well..
First of all, that's highly subjective to say that HOLP maps have great gameplay.
Some do, some don't. The HOLP label doesn't necessarily or automatically mean greatness of gameplay in a map.
Secondly the "best map" categories judge on gameplay first, above looks. 'Best Graphics" category judge solely on looks. (What part of this don't you understand?)
Those entries that win 'best map' because of their gameplay qualities are also the best looking maps usually and have a far better chance of winning both, imo. It's not absolutely certain by any means, nothing is, but I'd stick with playing the odds.