I prefer a more defensive style of play myself as well.
That said ... the idea of 'novice' and 'pro' maps is stupid.
Sure. It sounds nice in theory, but in reality players won't like to admit that they're 'only' at novice-level.
Besides ... how is a 'novice' going to learn 'pro-level' tactics if he can't play the same map ?
Making the game more about aggressive play-styles instead of a defensive style won't bring the gaps closer together. The only thing that'll happen is that 'aggressive' players will have a better chance of winning, which will result in a wider skill-gap for the more defense oriented players.
Defensive gameplay is for CS or MOH. I recommend you go find a game or stick with the gametype that better suits you, like LMS TAM or a gametype with defense.
Novices should be able to play at a novice level. They shouldn't be forced to play with real tactics, they should be able to run around the level and just have their fun without having a real understand of the gameplay.
Advanced players that want more out of a game should be able to get it. Don't cut off the end of the learning curve. Just let players that want to play at a lower level play at a lower level, but if they want to play at a higher level then they can start using higher level settings and maps. Just because novices that want to be 'pro' for ego purposes only and not for the love of indepth and skilled gameplay doesn't mean the game developers should tone down the advanced map control and gameplay aspects that professional gamers like to play at, just so some novices think they are great at a game.
Novices should be able to play novice settings and levels.
UTaholics that love the game and the competitiveness and the emotions that an advanced and immersive gameplay gives should be able to get what they want.
Novices that want to be competitive have to play with competitive settings.
No need for a ranking system. Let the players choose what level they want to play at. Ship the game with different maplists.
ut2k4 shipped with different dm maps made for novices and some made for advanced players.
Novice maps were played a plenty the first months after release. About a year after release there were less servers with novice maps in rotation, because people either got bored with novice settings or they migrated to a different game.
If some people that don't like having to do anything in 1v1 but camp and be a lamer, then that's fine, just don't force everyone else that likes aggressive and skilled gameplay to have to put up with you.