M16 on 2.5

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Eventually, are you going to go as far into realism as Serpentine does? Also, why don't you allow shell cases to be visible at all times?


As realistic as Serpentine? Sorry, I don't want to make a step backwards.
These guns are unprecise and unrealistic done. (Don't think bad of me) But it's true: Take a look at the MP5. CRAP!

I think that shellcases that are visible all the time would eat the frames.

IMO the new skins are better


Will there be any way of knowing where you have been hit when you have been shot? I really don't know how flexible the modifications can be, but it would be helpful to have an indicator on the hud that will show where you have been wounded.

I would be very happy to help with advice as to how the human body reacts to trauma if needed.


After investigating our M16 further and comparing it to how an actual M16A2 fires, in my own mind it's right on. I apologize if anyone out there doesn't agree, but that's as far as it'll go. See, here's the thing. It's very realistic to me, but maybe not to others out there who have fired this weapon also. I'm not a small guy- 195 lbs, 5'11", and by no means overweight- so it's not like this weapon is a chore to use, but for myself, it kicks about like it does in our mod. Again, if this isn't 'realistic' to others, I'll be doing nothing more than apologizing we don't see eye to eye. I also won't try to convince others that it in fact IS realistic because it's not up to me to change your minds. So please, there's a lot more to Infiltration than 'getting our panties in a wad' over what's more realistic to others out there.

About the M16 inacuracy, that I can attest to. We're not sure what the reason is because it didn't come up in the test runs unfortunately, but I've played online and had this problem a couple of times. For instance, on the INF_Prison map, I was sniping from the building with 2 windows and a large lift. I switched to the M16, crawled over to the edge of the lift and waited. A few seconds later, a 'bad guy' jumped on and rose up the lift. I fired at him, sending him backwards a few feet, but no damage. Because of this I know we both thought we were on the same team, so we stared at each other for a few seconds before I looked down at which team I was actually on, then proceeded to fill him full of lead! well, he had the HK69 and just before a 3rd round reached him, he killed us both!
Anyway, every great while it does seem the M16 won't inflict damage, but out of all the times I've used it on and offline, this has only happened to me a couple times.

The HK69 for version 3 WILL incorporate a ladder sight system. You'll be able to press altfire to aim which will lift the ladder and aim the weapon in one motion. pressing the weapon mode button will elevate the gun through the different sight holes (3 or 4) which will either be labled for distance in meters or you'll have to play with it to get a feel for what distance each hole will give you. Pressing altfire again will lower the weapon and ladder in one motion.

The skins-- I've tried to explain this a couple of times, and I'll continue to until most everyone knows where we're coming from. First off, these really aren't new skins by any means. All I did was change hue/saturation/contrast/etc settings for each uniform. Reason being is we just did NOT have time to totally do new skins. But at the same time it gives the look a more realistic military style. Version 3 will have all new models and player skins- and with the 4x level of detail, you WILL see enough contrast to know the difference. At the same time, military uniforms can often be hard to distinguish between in combat anyway. I realize it's harder when you have only so many character models.

As far as being realistic like Serpentine, well that goes into everyone's individual view of realism. In my opinion, as always, Serpentine has a few realistic details that Infiltration does not, but it goes both ways too. I hold the highest respect for Serpentine and carry no grudge to anyone who enjoys it more than Inf. It was a mod way ahead of it's time in the Unreal scene, and it certainly should have been one to win the Unreal contest as well. It's still a lot of fun to play. What we do for Infiltration will be strictly what our team WANTS to do. Similarities and differences between Serp and Inf don't really matter to any of us. We're creating- with our free time -what we want to see in a mod/game. It's always our hope that it will be popular with others too.

Knowing where you're hit will depend. What I'd LIKE to do is make it so you can tell immediately just by your natural reaction in game. If you start to move slowly with an obvious limp, then you're leg is hit. If you start shooting inaccurately and possibly your other arm isn't visible, maybe your arm is hit. It can be further supplemented by cries of pain- 'AH MY LEG!!' or whathaveyou. But I realize it may be quite difficult to duplicate realistic reactions, so we may go with a sort of small body map you can turn on and off from the HUD that shows where your body is hit. We won't be getting so realistic as to have a 5.56 round drive through your arm, puncture your liver, than work its way up towards your heart because even with UT that would be technically very difficult- even though rounds coming from an M16 are meant to not go through the body, but use up it's energy tearing apart your insides. We may still in fact need any expertise out there in how a body would react to certain hit points.

This is a long post, and I know I'm not pleasing everyone. I just hope minor things you may not find realistic in your sense won't keep you from playing and supporting Infiltration! I also thank everyone for keeping criticism to a fairly positive level- that helps us accept your view and weigh it with meaning.


Well I must say I'm pretty bummed about the M16. I've done a bit more research and found this in Jane's:

The M16A2 system's straight line construction, with the barrel, bolt, recoilbuffer unit and stock assembled in line, disperses recoil straight back to the shoulder while keeping barrel climb to a minimum.

I've also asked some army friends to see if they can quantify the climb next time they qualify on this weapon.

Ultimately for me it comes down to the quality of the gameplay and the M16 seems much poorer in v2.6. And the modified skins are a step backwards as well. In game play I haven't heard a single person (other than catalyst) say they liked the new ones. It would be interesting to have a poll of the players to see if there is a concensus on these items. Are the modmakers open to such feedback from players?


Too much fuss over the M-16 (I know, I know, I was partly responsible for starting it). The US military decided conserving ammo was more important than letting soldiers who have mastered full auto fire the option of using it when it might be needed (In the Air Force, they didn't let us practice enough -- gotta conserve ammo -- to master full auto anyway, and I'll bet this happens to some extent in the other service branches, so maybe it's just as well). So, that's that. The M-16 is no longer a full auto weapon.

As for the recoil, I do think it is very realistic. Yesterday, when I was the only one on the Prison map, I tried the exercise someone else mentioned...I backed away from a wall and watched the amount of vertical climb on the wall, and the angle the M-16 was pointing at the end of the 3 round burst. I must have been the equivalent of 40 feet or so from the wall. The climb on the wall was minimal, probably no more than 18 inches or so, probably within the vertical distance from the lower chest to the head had an opponent been standing there, and the barrel angle was not "45 degrees toward the sky," but rather just a few degrees -- maybe 10 degrees or so. Now, I've fired an older style full auto, where the barrel is positioned well above the stock, and the M-16 recoil in 2.6 is MUCH less than what I experienced with the tommy gun, and it's because of the straight line between the barrel and the shoulder stock, with the elevated sight. That design does NOT completely eliminate muzzle climb, only minimizes it.

Yeah, it's more difficult to get a kill with the M-16 than it was before 2.6, but I'm getting better with practice (when I can't get to an MP5 -- awesome in full auto). The pesky muzzle climb is actually minimal relative to non in-line designs (as Jane's said), and is about right from my experience. You did good, Warren.


-well warren, just so you get all sides of the coin, aside from my personal dislike for the semi-auto and the climb on the m16 (only because i suk at it you understand, hehe), i think that you and catalyst have done an amazing job at maintaining the realism of this mod. And after all people, isn't that the reason some of us come here? The timing on the grenades is great. and although it's a little harder to define targets from non-targets, I find it only adds to the suspense (do i shoot or wait?...BOOM YUR DEAD>>TOO LATE!,lol). There is one thing though; I've said it before and i'll say it again, there needs to be something done about the opposite team stealing all the weapons in intermission and before. theres no fun in coming to life only to be included in mass murder by machine gun packin psycho's with only a pistol to defend yurself with,lol. Maybe if there were guns with the respawn, then at least there would be some team mates with a fighting chance, hehe. Another thing i noticed tonight; one of the opposite teams members started to come to our respawn during intermission because he found out that not all of us are respawned at a different location after intermission is over. what he did was to walk up to an opposite team member during intermission -when you can't be hurt by enemy rounds- and started to fire when he judged the intermission was over. what happened was obvious, as soon as the intermission was over, and as neither he nor i respawned in a different location, the bullets that were already being fired but had no effect, all of a sudden did damage. so basically i could run up to an opposite team member and start shooting at him in intermission. as soon as intermission was over, and if i kept firing, then the bullets allready enroute, would cause him damage the sec the game started. i noticed this in one map, but only 1 so far, and only because the teams started so close to each other. perhaps thats the only place it happens or matters because of proximity.
-but other than that little personal idiosyncracy, i love the game, and i think the new version is waayyyy better than the last. a vast improvement. good work and see ya in my scope...err, in the game, ya thats it!

SpUnKy FuNk

As far as m16 kick/recoil...

I don't know if this regards the rise, but I talked to an ex-marine online once who said his drill seargent put the butt of an m16 into his crotch and fired it on full auto to demonstrate the lack of kick.

Also, I do not know if the rise comes from the gas leaving the barrel or the actual projectile leaving, but at a historical weapons display I watched a rather small soccer mom fire a full clip of blanks from an M16 with no noticible rise or kick.

Like I said, I do not know what exactly the rise comes from, and whether or not a blank would reproduce this (there was full muzzle flash), but just thought I'd make a note, as I do think the burst rise is a little extreme.


When I used to instruct young recruits on the finer points of the M16, the crotch demo was de rigeur and in fact, written into the training script. The rise on the '16 with 3rnd burst is minimal. But, hey its your mod...

Adam C.
Oh Christ... another Mac


Reguarding the M-16: I have fired the 16-a2 in real life, and I find the kick in Infiltration to be slightly more, but not allthatmuch (I've got beefy arms, probobly moreso than the designers of the mod, no offense guys!), Certainly not enough to be causing THIS much uproar.

One thing that people forget is IRL, they're constantly pulling the rifle down from the last shot. They don't do that in unreal. Everyone I've played in a LANparty asks why I'm so accurate with the M-16 in 2.6, the reason is, I'm allways pulling the weapon down. You see, I mapped my "Center view" to the 5 key on the keypad, so as I'm firing, I just tap the 5 key repeatedly, and it keeps the rounds on the level. Pretty simple to do.
Granted this doesn't work if the target is on a different level than I am, but hey, life's difficult, and everyone else has the same problem too. /infopop/emoticons\icon_wink.gif

Besides that, the M-16 is perfectly "balanced" with the other weapons in the game. the .223 round is FAR more powerfull than the MP5's 9mm (10mm?) round, and as such, I usually only need 2 or 3 shots to put a target down anyways, compared to 4 or 5 with the MP5. (one if it's a headshot. /infopop/emoticons\icon_wink.gif

I *DO* love that you speeded up the tracers, they were rediculously slow before, and made the M-16 a useless weapon IMHO. I could get alot more damage with the MP5. In fact, I allways avoided the M-16 before. Now I love the durned thing /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

The Robar .50 is great. One shot, one kill, at EXTREME range. I've fired .50's IRL before (Barrett M-82 and M-95, the M-95 is the cloest to the Robar), and find the model to be very accurate. But you know what I'd like to see? Explosive rounds, *AND*, something out of the serpentine patch - their .308 rifle actually would hit the target - and go THROUGH the target. Sorry, but a .50 isn't going to be stopped by someone's arm in the way. /infopop/emoticons\icon_wink.gif I don't like drawing comparisons between the two patches beacuse, well, they're two different patches. I like the way the guns work in serpentine (except for that god-awefull MP5, who were they KIDDING?), but I love the accuracy of the Infiltration. and the 2.6 patch put infiltration WAY up over the top - way WAY up. The only thing I miss from serpentine was the .45 (hey, I like my pistols big, y'heah?) and the sniper rifle (2 head shots in one!). I udnerstand the .45 will be making it's appearence in V3, (cantwaitcantwaitcantwait), but I really do think you could gain a LOT by making the sniper rifles - especially the BMG - go Through a target and hit things behind it too.

The grenades rock, but I wish they weren't so SLOW, yeh, yeh, I know, they're like that IRL. bummer. I love tossing one into the open windows of houseassaultnight/day and waiting 5 seconds, then seeing "Killgore has been fragged by Doc/Lucile has been fragged by Doc/Imp as been fragged by Doc/Gary has been fragged by Doc/Etc.. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
I'm a real bastard that way.

The pistol is a real work of art. I love it. Now if you'd only make it in .45 sizes...

The shotgun - don't change a thing. It's great. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif Semi-auto rocks, so does the flashlight. Sometimes I have to find a shotgun just to USE the flashlight on it. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
and I LOVE the way you can break out of the friggen reload cycle now!!!

The MP5: don't change a thing or I will *HURT* you. It's well-balanced. It's accurate. It's FAST. it's QUIET. Death comes silently, no?

The M-16: maybe a bit less upwards drift, but I can handle it. Great model. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

The Grenade launcher: can't wait for the ladder sights. the only thing I don't like about it.

the Semi-auto sniper rifle: again, great. Smaller round and Semi-auto = less range but higher rate of fire. thanks for adding that in. made my day. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif Great scope, too. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

AT-4: to be honest, I never really got to play with these, IRL *OR* in the game. it seems people allways grab them before I can. *grumble*
In botmatch I managed to frag all 8 of the other team (bots is stupid) with one shot, while fragging myself by forgetting to move away from the wall....
all in all I think I like it.

The Robar .50 rifle: you've made all the .50 shooters who play unreal *VERY* happy people. Myself included. Now if we can just get some explosive rounds and/or eliminating a .50bmg round being stopped by a forearm....

I also love the flashbang grenades. In a very evil, Evil, EVIL, way. Toss one into a room, it goes off, you and your buddies storm the room and slaughter the poor bastards who can't see a thing. I love it! NOW IF ONLY MORE MAP MAKERS WOULD INCLUDE THIS... DOT.. DOT.. DOT..

All in all, a great mod. KEEP UP THE *GREAT* WORK, GUYS!!!!!!

I wanna be an elven ranger, I want a life that's full of danger,


I didn't get everything...
why is the way you use the flashbangs evil? They're supposed to be used like this.
I'm no fan of explosive rounds but of different kinds of ammo. FMJ or holopoints. The full metal jackets go through 2 or 3 bodies while the holopoints make the body 'ugly'. (You know what I mean /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif )
Or one-out-slugs for the shotgun would be just great.


Doccers: The troopers you played against were probably last years cadets, does the name Dante, Ash or Sonja ring a bell?
They were excellent marksmen and moved quiet fast if they had to, unfortunately they needed intens briefing before a mission and didn't understand the tactics.
The new still needs the briefing, but are supposed to have a better grasp on tactics.

Don't some grenades com with a variable fuse?


I dont understand why people hate the M16's burst. If your to far away to hit them with 2 or 3 shots the use the semi thats what it's for.