Reguarding the M-16: I have fired the 16-a2 in real life, and I find the kick in Infiltration to be slightly more, but not allthatmuch (I've got beefy arms, probobly moreso than the designers of the mod, no offense guys!), Certainly not enough to be causing THIS much uproar.
One thing that people forget is IRL, they're constantly pulling the rifle down from the last shot. They don't do that in unreal. Everyone I've played in a LANparty asks why I'm so accurate with the M-16 in 2.6, the reason is, I'm allways pulling the weapon down. You see, I mapped my "Center view" to the 5 key on the keypad, so as I'm firing, I just tap the 5 key repeatedly, and it keeps the rounds on the level. Pretty simple to do.
Granted this doesn't work if the target is on a different level than I am, but hey, life's difficult, and everyone else has the same problem too. /infopop/emoticons\icon_wink.gif
Besides that, the M-16 is perfectly "balanced" with the other weapons in the game. the .223 round is FAR more powerfull than the MP5's 9mm (10mm?) round, and as such, I usually only need 2 or 3 shots to put a target down anyways, compared to 4 or 5 with the MP5. (one if it's a headshot. /infopop/emoticons\icon_wink.gif
I *DO* love that you speeded up the tracers, they were rediculously slow before, and made the M-16 a useless weapon IMHO. I could get alot more damage with the MP5. In fact, I allways avoided the M-16 before. Now I love the durned thing /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
The Robar .50 is great. One shot, one kill, at EXTREME range. I've fired .50's IRL before (Barrett M-82 and M-95, the M-95 is the cloest to the Robar), and find the model to be very accurate. But you know what I'd like to see? Explosive rounds, *AND*, something out of the serpentine patch - their .308 rifle actually would hit the target - and go THROUGH the target. Sorry, but a .50 isn't going to be stopped by someone's arm in the way. /infopop/emoticons\icon_wink.gif I don't like drawing comparisons between the two patches beacuse, well, they're two different patches. I like the way the guns work in serpentine (except for that god-awefull MP5, who were they KIDDING?), but I love the accuracy of the Infiltration. and the 2.6 patch put infiltration WAY up over the top - way WAY up. The only thing I miss from serpentine was the .45 (hey, I like my pistols big, y'heah?) and the sniper rifle (2 head shots in one!). I udnerstand the .45 will be making it's appearence in V3, (cantwaitcantwaitcantwait), but I really do think you could gain a LOT by making the sniper rifles - especially the BMG - go Through a target and hit things behind it too.
The grenades rock, but I wish they weren't so SLOW, yeh, yeh, I know, they're like that IRL. bummer. I love tossing one into the open windows of houseassaultnight/day and waiting 5 seconds, then seeing "Killgore has been fragged by Doc/Lucile has been fragged by Doc/Imp as been fragged by Doc/Gary has been fragged by Doc/Etc.. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
I'm a real bastard that way.
The pistol is a real work of art. I love it. Now if you'd only make it in .45 sizes...
The shotgun - don't change a thing. It's great. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif Semi-auto rocks, so does the flashlight. Sometimes I have to find a shotgun just to USE the flashlight on it. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
and I LOVE the way you can break out of the friggen reload cycle now!!!
The MP5: don't change a thing or I will *HURT* you. It's well-balanced. It's accurate. It's FAST. it's QUIET. Death comes silently, no?
The M-16: maybe a bit less upwards drift, but I can handle it. Great model. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
The Grenade launcher: can't wait for the ladder sights. the only thing I don't like about it.
the Semi-auto sniper rifle: again, great. Smaller round and Semi-auto = less range but higher rate of fire. thanks for adding that in. made my day. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif Great scope, too. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
AT-4: to be honest, I never really got to play with these, IRL *OR* in the game. it seems people allways grab them before I can. *grumble*
In botmatch I managed to frag all 8 of the other team (bots is stupid) with one shot, while fragging myself by forgetting to move away from the wall....
all in all I think I like it.
The Robar .50 rifle: you've made all the .50 shooters who play unreal *VERY* happy people. Myself included. Now if we can just get some explosive rounds and/or eliminating a .50bmg round being stopped by a forearm....
I also love the flashbang grenades. In a very evil, Evil, EVIL, way. Toss one into a room, it goes off, you and your buddies storm the room and slaughter the poor bastards who can't see a thing. I love it! NOW IF ONLY MORE MAP MAKERS WOULD INCLUDE THIS... DOT.. DOT.. DOT..
All in all, a great mod. KEEP UP THE *GREAT* WORK, GUYS!!!!!!
I wanna be an elven ranger, I want a life that's full of danger,